Ant Build Automation Tool

Obed Gyawu
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2023


What is build automation? Build automation is the process of automating the creation of a software build and the associated processes including compiling computer source code into binary code, packaging binary code, and running automated tests. It is a vital part of continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines. Build automation tools can help streamline the software development process by automating mundane tasks such as compiling code, running tests, and creating packages.

In this article, the build automation tool that is going to be discussed is the Apache Ant automation tool. This automation tool will also be compared to other automation tools such as Maven in terms of similarities and differences.

How it is used

Apache Ant is a Java-based build automation tool for automating software build processes. It is used to compile, assemble, and test Java applications. Ant is an open-source tool that is used to create build scripts that can be used to automate the process of building, testing, and deploying applications. Ant can be used to compile Java source code, create JAR files, run unit tests, and deploy applications. It can also be used to generate reports and documentation.

Customer experience using the Ant tool

A customer story for using the Ant automation tool is that of a software developer called Andy who is part of MetLife's software development team. He said the software development team needed to quickly and efficiently build and deploy their application. The team was able to use Ant to automate the process of compiling, assembling, and testing their Java application. This allowed them to quickly and easily build and deploy their application, saving them time and money. The team was also able to use Ant to generate reports and documentation, which helped them to understand their application better and make improvements.

Similarities and differences between Ant and Maven automation tool

Both Ant and Maven build automation tools are used for Java projects. They are both open-source tools that are used to automate the process of producing, testing, and establishing. Both tools can be used to organize Java source code, build JAR files, pass unit tests, and establish applications. They can also be used to create records and documentation.

The main difference between Ant and Maven is that Maven is more focused on project management and dependency management, while Ant is more focused on build automation. Maven is also more opinionated and has a more structured approach to building projects, while Ant is more flexible and allows for more customization. Additionally, Maven uses a declarative approach to build scripts, while Ant uses an imperative approach.


Building automation processes helps to increase efficiency, improved accuracy, and faster time to market. And using some of the tools such as Ant and Maven can help companies eliminate manual labor and also increase production.

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