Bridging the Gap

Reflections on my journey through the Strategio Enterprise Simulator

Deepti Trivedi
4 min readMar 13, 2023


Image by Freepik

The world of software development is constantly evolving, and keeping up with the latest trends and technologies is essential for success. Software programming languages, DevOps, and Cloud computing are some of the most in-demand skills in the industry today.

If you’re looking to pivot your career or start a new one in the tech field, a training program in these areas could be just what you need.

Enter the Strategio Enterprise Simulator!

As I was searching for reputable placements after my AWS re/Start program, I came across Strategio’s comprehensive 8-week training program which seemed perfect to launch my tech career.

I became a Strategio Technologist and hopped on a thrilling learning journey!

It was an intensive and immersive experience. The program covered a wide range of topics, from the basics of Linux, Java, and Python programming to more advanced topics like DevOps practices and cloud architecture.

A couple of weeks of the program focused on programming fundamentals, such as data types, variables, loops, and conditionals. I also learned about object-oriented programming concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation. Hands-on coding exercises and projects helped me put theory into practice.

In the DevOps portion of the program, I learned about the software development life cycle (SDLC) and the importance of automation in the deployment process. I also gained experience with tools like Git, Jenkins, Terraform, and Docker, which are essential for DevOps professionals.

The cloud computing portion of the program introduced me to the fundamentals of cloud architecture, including infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS). I also learned about cloud security, scalability, and cost optimization.

Throughout the program, I had the opportunity to work on projects that simulate real-world scenarios. I also had the chance to earn badges to validate my understanding which I could proudly show off on LinkedIn!

For the last two weeks, I worked with my team on an application and deployed it to the cloud using DevOps best practices.
It was a great and enriching experience, designed to “simulate” working as a team with the client in the real world.

At the end of the program, I gained a solid foundation in software programming, DevOps tools and practices, and cloud computing. I hoped to be able to apply these skills to a wide range of industries and job roles, from software development to business systems analysis and infrastructure management.

Here are some of my tips to make the most out of this wonderful program.

  • Have focus and discipline
    The Simulator is fast-paced with a ton of new technologies being learned every week. It can get overwhelming and at times like these, remember WHY you chose the Simulator to begin your tech journey and let discipline guide you to stay on course.
  • Collaborate and communicate
    Since one is put into teams in the first week of the Simulator, leverage that to collaborate on difficult tasks and share knowledge.
    Also, communicate your issues, whether they be technical or personal to your Lead to ensure that there are no lingering blockers.
  • Thrive on feedback
    Here at Strategio, the technologists share feedback with each other in the form of “Glows & Grows”. This is a great opportunity to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. View it as a chance to learn and grow and receive/give this feedback with honesty and grace.
  • Enjoy your time!
    Most importantly, enjoy continuously learning, establish your personal brand, build interesting and meaningful connections with the vast network that Strategio has to offer, and partake in the rich and diverse culture here!

Overall, for me, the Simulator was a challenging but thoroughly rewarding experience. I learned from experienced Enterprise Simulator Leaders and worked alongside other motivated and brilliant technologists.
I feel like the program fills in a much-overlooked gap between recent graduates/self-taught coders and job-ready professionals.

On a side note, I am now part of the Technology Team at Strategio which trains our technologists and cheers them on as they begin their tech careers with our clients!
What a culmination of my personal Strategio journey!
It has been a privilege and I couldn’t be happier to work with people that are my mentors as well.

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If you’re ready to take your tech career to the next level with a company that empowers diverse technology talent, the Strategio Enterprise Simulator may be just what you need.



Deepti Trivedi

Aspiring Cloud Engineer and AWS JAM & Cloud Quest enthusiast