Coffee Chat like a Pro

John Emilio
Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2023

Coffee chats are a great way to expand your network, learn about different things you may be interested in, and develop new connections with other people who share a common interest.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

While the term coffee chat may imply you have to have coffee, it is merely just a term used to indicate an informal meeting between two people. Before the world had to deal with global pandemics and more people worked in an office, the coffee chat was called a coffee chat because you would usually meet with someone at the local coffee shop. With so many people working virtually, the world of coffee chats has blown up, and more people are open to connecting and chatting. Coffee chats are a way for people to meet, exchange ideas, and build relationships, typically between two people who share a common interest (whether that be the same profession, hobby, or some other shared interest).

When I started to explore opportunities in tech, I saw that coffee chats were a great way to learn more about different positions in the world of tech, learn more about tech I use from people that work with that tech in their day-to-day job, and expand my network for the possibility for future opportunities. While it was a little intimidating at first, viewing a coffee chat as just another way to make a new friend was something that helped to ease my anxiety around talking to new people.

Now I’d like to share some tips that I learned along the way that have helped me with coffee chats:

As mentioned, coffee chats are a great way to meet new people.

I found that when I had the mentality of getting to know the other person as a person and not for what their job title may be, I had an easier time directing the conversation in a way that I might want it to go. Talking about a person's hobbies, talking about something they have in their camera background, or talking about something they’re passionate about is a great way to start a successful coffee chat.

You’re probably going to be uncomfortable.

The first few times you have a coffee chat it may not feel natural. One of the feelings I had, and sometimes still do, is that a coffee chat feels forced. I think this stems from the pressure placed upon ourselves to make a good impression and that we want to be able to add this person to our network. Having realistic expectations and understanding that not every chat will be a homerun are ways to combat this, but that also doesn't mean forgoing preparing for your chat.

Come to your chat prepared.

Have an idea of what you might want to talk about. Research the person you are having a chat with. Looked on LinkedIn for posts they’ve made, blogs they’ve written, or ideas they’ve shared. Remember it’s not creepy, it’s networking. Having a general idea of who the person is before talking with them is a good way to set expectations about your chat, formulate topics you may want to discuss, and can prevent you from feeling scatterbrained.

Listen attentively, and respond intentionally.

Actively listen to the other person. Hear the terms they use to describe something. A lot can be learned about the way someone feels towards a subject based on the language they use. When responding, summarizing what they said shows you’re actively listening and interested in what they are saying. Combining that with providing a thoughtful response is the key to having a complete, engaging conversation.

While I am far from perfect when it comes to coffee chatting, I hope some of my insights may be useful in your endeavors. Having the ability to reflect on your coffee chats is a great way to not only have better chats in the future but to also grow as a person. One last tidbit, after having a chat with someone it is nice to follow up with them, maybe via LinkedIn message or email, and give thanks for taking the time to talk with you. Everyone has a story to tell and knowledge to share so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there — you never know who you might meet!



John Emilio

Registered Nurse turned Software Engineer. Providing creative solutions, improving accessibility, and leveling up those around me are my passions.