Coffee Chats! Why Too Much Caffeine In Conversation Can Be A Good Thing!

Norbert Seals
Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2023

Hello, today I will discuss the value of coffee chats, what coffee chats are, my experience with coffee chats, and what are some of the benefits of coffee chats. A coffee chat is a name given to an informal conversation (15–30 minutes approximately) with an employee of a company you are interested in. A coffee chat also allows a potential candidate to ask questions about the company, show their interest to one of the employees and build a network with the company.

So why are coffee chats important? Even though coffee chats are not a crucial part of the recruitment process, they play an important role in your search for a job, as the person you have a conversation with might be involved in the recruiting process at a later stage down the line. This is the power of networking.

My personal experience of a coffee chat was yesterday! I had a wonderful time engaging with my colleagues at Strategio by asking a variety of questions such as “Tell me about yourself?”, “What is the favorite part of your job?”, and “Tell me about a recent project you’ve done?”. We had a lot of fun and I was able to learn a few things about a colleague I had never known about before.

I was also on the receiving end and I was asked questions about “What was your background before tech?”, “Where do you see yourself in the future?”, and “Talk about any imposter syndrome you’ve had in the past and how did you overcome it?”. I showed a lot of passion and engagement. I was also able to establish a new connection and a friend after the coffee chat.

When job hunting, a coffee chat is very valuable because you can get well-informed about the company, the culture, and the position you are most interested in. Don’t forget that you are also networking and establishing a connection! So whether you meet up at a Starbucks or meet virtually on a video call remember to come prepared with questions and answers but also come across as enthusiastic and well-engaged.

I hope this was helpful about what are coffee chats and why are they important. Please comment and follow. I would love to hear about your experience! :)




Norbert Seals

Hello, my name is Norbert and I reside in Miami, FL. My favorite sport is basketball and I love to play video games! I am currently a Technologist at Strategio!