DevOps, Agile, and Scrum

Juan Guanipa
Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2023

In this blog, we’re going to talk about the differences between DevOps, Agile, and Scrum.

We’re going to start talking about Scrum:

Scrum’s ease of integration provides just enough structure to ensure that proper practices are in place to optimize for the organization’s specific needs. Lastly, by breaking work into smaller pieces, Scrum enhances an organization’s collaboration and communication.

Now let’s see what Agile is about:

Agile is an alternative approach to project management and software development that helps teams deliver value to their customer faster and with fewer headaches. An agile team delivers work in small, but consumable, increments. The requirements, plans, and results are evaluated continuously to the team have a natural mechanism for responding to change quickly.

And last but not least, DevOps:

DevOps is a set of practices, tools, and cultural philosophies that automate and integrate the process between software development and IT teams. A DevOps team includes developers and IT operations working collaboratively throughout the product lifecycle, in order to increase the speed and quality of software deployment.

All these methodologies have different roles, lest talk about them one by one:


  1. Scrum Master: is responsible for ensuring a Scrum team is operating as effectively as possible.
  2. Product Owner: ensures the team aligns with overall product goals.
  3. Development Team: Is composed of professionals who do the hands-on work of completing the tasks in a Scrum print.


  1. Product Owner: represents the stakeholders of the project. The role is primarily responsible for setting the direction for product development or project progress.
  2. Team Lead: ensures team coordination and supports the progress of the project between individual team members.
  3. Development Team Members: are comprised of individuals with responsibilities including but not limited to product development.
  4. Stakeholders: this position may not be directly involved in the product development process but is used to represent a range of key roles that impact the decisions and work of the team.


  1. DevOps Evangelist: this person must promote the benefits of DevOps by identifying and quantifying the business benefits that come from the greater agility DevOps delivers.
  2. the release manager: oversees the coordination, integration, and flow of development, testing, and deployment to support continuous delivery.
  3. The automation architect: analyze, design, and implement strategies for continuous deployments while ensuring high availability on production and pre-production systems.
  4. The Software Developer: The software developer is at the heart of the DevOps organization. Under DevOps, the title of a software developer may remain the same, but the new role of a software developer dramatically increases the scope of responsibilities.
  5. The Experience Assurance: ensuring that all new features and functions are released with the end user experience in mind.
  6. Security Engineer: DevOps-minded shops have security engineers working side by side with developers, embedding their recommendations much earlier on in the process.
  7. The Utility Technology Player: Traditional IT operations or systems administration professionals focus on keeping the servers running.

Now all of these methodologies have different tools, here are four for each:


  1. ClickUp
  2. ActiveCollab
  3. Infinity
  4. OrageScrum


  1. ClickUp
  2. Jira
  3. Kabanize
  4. Planbox


  1. Git
  2. Maven
  3. Chef
  4. Ansible

Artifacts created in each methodology:

Scrum: In software development, the term “artifact” refers to information that stakeholders and the scrum team use to describe a product that’s being developed.

Scrum artifacts define the work that must be done and always add value during a sprint. In simple terms, scrum artifacts can be seen as vital information for the scrum team.

Agile: Agile artifacts are information that an agile team and stakeholders use to detail the product being developed, actions to produce it, and the actions performed during the project. These artifacts provide metadata points that give insight into the performance of a sprint.

DevOps: A DevOps artifact is a by-product produced during the software development process. It may consist of the project source code, dependencies, binaries, or resources, and could be represented in different layouts depending on the technology. Software artifacts are usually stored in a repository.

And to finish let’s review the benefits of each methodology:

Scrum: Clearly defined sprint goals, flexibility to allow quick product changes, tested and stable products, and on-time delivery.

Agile: Increased visibility, increased alignment, increased customer satisfaction, and decreased risk.

DevOps: Faster and better product delivery, greater scalability and availability, greater automation, greater innovation.

Now that we know the differences between each methodology please let me know in the comments which one you think is better and why. Feel free to follow me and I would love to hear some feedback about my blog.,and%20collaboration%2C%20and%20technology%20automation.,small%2C%20but%20consumable%2C%20increments.

