DevOps benefits:

Marcos Perez Labrada
Published in
2 min readDec 12, 2022

DevOps is a Software Development methodology that embraces collaboration, communication, and integration between developers and operators. The objective of DevOps is to organize the development process and increase the release frequency. This will decrease the time you have to wait for feedback, making your organization more efficient and lowering development costs.

One of the main benefits of a DevOps approach is increased agility. By breaking the silos between development and operations departments, organizations can make changes to their software and deploy new versions faster. This accelerates innovation and the ability to quickly adapt to new requirements. Another benefit of DevOps is that it improves collaboration and communication by bringing together developers and operators.

One company that is practicing DevOps is Amazon. It has embraced a DevOps approach to software development, which has allowed it to quickly and efficiently roll out new features and services. For example, its use of DevOps has enabled it to quickly launch new services like Amazon Web Services, which is one of the leading providers of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

Back when Amazon was still run on dedicated servers, it was a constant challenge to predict how much equipment to buy to meet traffic demands and pad estimates to accommodate for unforeseen traffic spikes. As a result, about 40 percent of Amazon’s server capacity was wasted and during the Christmas shopping season, when traffic could triple, more than three-quarters could be left unused along with the money spent to purchase it.

Once they moved to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud, it allowed engineers to scale capacity up or down incrementally. Not only did this reduce spending on server capacity, but it also spurred a transition to a continuous deployment process that allows any developer to deploy their own code to whichever servers they need, whenever they want.

Within a year of Amazon’s move to AWS, engineers were deploying code every 11.7 seconds, on average. In addition, the number and duration of outages were reduced, resulting in increased revenue.

In conclusion, DevOps is a software development methodology that emphasizes collaboration and integration between development and operations teams. Organizations adopting a DevOps approach can benefit from increased agility, improved collaboration and communication, and faster innovation. Amazon is one example of a company that has successfully implemented DevOps and reaped the benefits.

