Dockercon 2022 — Java Microservices

Jason Dinh
Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2022

At Strategio, we were given dedicated time at the beginning of this week to attend Dockercon 2022. I’ve been curious about Docker since one of my developer friends mentioned I should use it to deploy my projects. However, I didn’t get around to learning it. Thankfully, we were given the opportunity during the simulator to learn how to get started!

One of the sessions I chose covered deploying and delivering Java microservices with Docker. Amigoscode did an excellent job presenting and clearing up some of my questions about deploying a Spring Boot project to Docker. I will summarize what I learned below:

Before I start, I want to cover the Monolithic and Microservice architectural designs.

  • Monolithic — All processes are tightly coupled and run as a single service.
  • Microservices — Software comprises small independent services that communicate over well-defined APIs.

Benefits of Microservices:

  • Loosely coupled
  • Independently deployable
  • Reusable code
  • Organized around business capabilities
  • Owned by small teams
  • Highly maintainable
  • Polyglot

Why Use Docker for Microservices?

Without Docker, you would have to set up each microservice in its virtual machine, which would take up an unnecessary amount of resources since you would have to dedicate memory and storage to make partitions on your host machine.

However, with Docker, you could run Microservices within containers without setting up individual virtual machines for each Microservice.

Amigoscode’s example used Docker Compose, a tool used to define and run multi-container Docker applications. It seemed very easy and quick to set up, and I’m looking forward to Dockerizing one of my projects soon.

If you’re interested in viewing Amigoscode’s session, you can view it here.

Customer Use Case

Many companies are looking to shift away from legacy practices in this day and age, and one of these is General Electric (GE) Appliances. Previously, GE’s development-to-delivery times took six weeks on average. As a result, GE decided to switch to Docker, allowing a greater density of applications than solutions using virtual machines. Docker also allowed GE to support legacy applications and was convenient, smooth, and fast when migrating from their legacy data center.

If you’d like to learn more, join me on my journey, where I’ll share my experience and knowledge by leaving a follow!



Jason Dinh

Hey there! My name is Jason Dinh, and I’m a software developer based in Dallas, TX. Let’s get to know each other!