DockerCon 2022: What I learned

Pedro Delgadillo
Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2022
DockerCon 2022

Welcome everyone to this week's blog, this week I will be covering what I learned in my first ever DockerCon.

What are Docker and DockerCon?

Docker Docs

“Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. Docker enables you to separate your applications from your infrastructure so you can deliver software quickly. With Docker, you can manage your infrastructure in the same ways you manage your applications. By taking advantage of Docker’s methodologies for shipping, testing, and deploying code quickly, you can significantly reduce the delay between writing code and running it in production.” —


DockerCon is a conference that allows developers and leaders in the Docker community to come together for a yearly learning experience about modern technologies. No matter what your previous knowledge is of Docker, you can attend this event and learn the basics of what Docker is and how to use it or join to learn the latest news and possibilities with Docker. The sessions are interactive and their flexible schedule makes it easy to go at your own pace, learn what you are interested in, and network with peers.

Through their variety of technical sessions and breakout sessions, I was able to learn the history of Docker and how essential software containers have become over time. The different environments that an application or software runs in and the image used for the container can really influence the efficiency of an app and I believe it’s important to learn the best ways to maximize efficiency. I can already see myself applying this knowledge in my future DevOps career.

Node.js and Docker

I was most excited about Bret Fisher’s Node.js Rocks in Docker, 2022 Edition. I am new to the Docker game but very familiar with Node.js. I saw this as a great learning opportunity. Bret covered the importance of which Node images to use and the difficulties of finding the best base Node.js image. He went over best practices to get the best of both worlds out of docker and node and how he makes multi-stage builds for his development, test, and production. The repository containing the details of his talk can be found here. It’s and it goes into detail about everything he covered in his talk.

