Gradle VS Maven: Build Automation

Matthew Alvarez
Published in
3 min readDec 30, 2022

Gradle is a build automation tool that offers more options for dependencies

Gradle is a build automation tool known for its flexibility in building software. Build automation tools are used to automate the creation of applications. The build process includes compiling, linking, and packaging code. With the help of build automation tools, the process becomes more consistent.

Gradle is a build automation type of tool available as open-source software for building various types of software. The Gradle tool software provides high performance in execution and supports various types of IDEs (Integrated Development Environments). Maven is a project management tool that helps developers design any kind of software in the Maven lifecycle. The maven tool helps to make the project simple and manageable, and it is possible to standardize the project with the help of the comprehensive maven tool.

Gradle can be used with less code and fewer dependencies

This has been adopted from Gradle, which uses a Groovy or Kotlin-based DSL. This results in smaller configuration files and less confusion since the language is specifically designed to solve domain-specific problems. Gradle configuration files are usually named build.gradle in Groovy and build.gradle.kts in Kotlin.

Gradle creates common project types, such as Java projects, that are easy to build by implementing conventions. Deployment-related plugins allow you to effortlessly create lightweight build scripts for various projects. But these conventions don’t limit you: Gradle lets you override them, add your tasks, and make many other customizations to convention-based builds.

Maven offers a more streamlined build process and faster feedback

Maven is Apache’s open-source build automation tool. Maven provides a unified build system designed to make the build process easier and more efficient.

Developers can use Maven to manage dependencies, documentation, reporting, distribution, and software configuration management. Maven is designed for Java projects, but it can also be used with other languages ​​such as Ruby and Scala.

Which build automation tool is best for you?

We know that both Gradle and Maven have their pros and cons. Gradle is undoubtedly the more powerful tool of the two. Still, it has many features that aren’t always needed, and dealing with many features is a somewhat tedious task.

When comparing Maven and Gradle there are several factors that could be the deciding factor. These differences will help you choose a build tool that is better suited for your software.

However, popularity matters when choosing between build automation tools. With more widely available tools, it will be easier for you to find great resources and, most importantly, people with expertise and hands-on experience.

A build automation tool or build tool is an application used for build automation. Build automation is an important aspect of software development. It refers to the process of automating the tasks required to convert source code into an executable program. The build tool you choose depends on the language and framework you use.



Matthew Alvarez

Software engineering is a complex puzzle that I am passionately engaged in solving. Firm believer in the power of programming to change and improve our world.