If You’re Reading This It’s Not Too Late

Dennis Uriostegui
Published in
3 min readMar 4, 2022

Congratulations! You are now a technologist with Strategio and are about to begin your exciting journey with the simulator. I would like for you to breathe and keep reading, for I was once in your shoes. I partook in the first wave of technologists and although I have come out on top with my team, I have also emerged with lessons I wish I had when I first began my journey as a technologist. I have no doubt you will succeed but please consider the following.

Student Mode

Whether it’s been five weeks or five years, you will be a student. The simulator will contain some topics you may have familiarity with and other topics that will be brand new to you. Approach all the topics the same. When you go in with an open mind, you will take in more detail that further ingrains that information in you and will make your tasks easier. Be an honest student; everything is knowledge to be absorbed.

Details, Details, and More Details

Speaking of making things easier for you, I suggest to self-reflect and note the characteristics that caused you trouble in school. I tend to skip over details believing I would be fine if I had the general gist I would be fine. Do not be me. This lack of focus on detail was an issue in my academic career and boy did it create obstacles for me in the simulator. This fault of mine had me troubleshooting and debugging for an unnecessarily longer time than needed. Often, I found myself rereading the theory on particular technologies or tasks, and only after that, did I reach my solutions. So please focus on the details; they matter.

Save Yourself, Organize

Among my fault for detail, my minuscule strength in an organization was a hurdle that held back my potential. Because this simulator imitates a BootCamp, there will be an avalanche of new material everyday. A strong piece of advice here is to take note of what everything is and map it out as it relates to the other information you will learn. This will avoid clutter and confusion as the simulator proceeds. Outside of the material, it will be good practice to maintain a high-level organizational overview of all your installations as it can be overwhelming and cause confusion. Regulate the information and sources you encounter to enhance your understanding.


I hope you read this far and took note of all that I’ve said. Your technologist journey may not always be the easiest but it will always be well deserved. That’s right, you deserve to be here and don’t you forget it.

One last thing to remember is that you’re not alone. You are a technologist with Strategio, and the team you have behind you will be an incredible one and will always be willing to help you in the way you merit.

If you’ve made it this far, then please follow me for more articles such as this.

