Lessons From A Leader In Tech

Alex Norris
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2022

In my first week training with Strategio, I had the privilege to sit in on a guest presentation from Lisa Shissler Smith. Lisa is an Engineering Manager at Netflix and provided a lot of great insights on how to be successful in the tech industry. Today, I will share and discuss three of those points.

  1. Be prepared to explain why you did something: In many situations, I have had issues putting my decisions into words or even explaining why it was a good idea. Spending the time, to explain how and why my decisions were a good idea, however, will help me learn from mistakes or successes and can help me provide utility within my career.
  2. Curiosity is important: In many occasions, you may not have the answers to a plethora of problems that present themselves to you. This is okay and happens to everyone on a daily basis. No one has all the answers. Be ready to ask questions and continuously study to get past these downfalls.
  3. Show humility: Never be a know-it-all. There will be times where you won’t have the answer. Pretending to know the way in these situations will only hurt you in your journey to learn more and become adept within your career. Instead, adopt a learn-it-all mindset and always be open to learning more.

This guest presentation had a lot of eye opening points on how to be successful in the industry. I look forward to applying these lessons and becoming better and more skilled everyday.

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