Meet Strategio Technologist: Niel Kakkad

Niel Kakkad
Published in
4 min readOct 19, 2022

Describe yourself in 3 words:

Dedicated — I’m passionate about everything I do and whenever I start any new projects, personal or professional I try to immerse myself in as much information as I can so I can make sound and informed decisions after. I try to better myself every step of the way as my being better not only helps me but also those around me.

Optimistic — I don’t let anything set me back. I’ve got an upbeat personality and I always try to pick others up when they are down or when they need someone to get them out of the rut. I always try to learn from things that didn’t work and focus on the positive aspects and keep moving.

Open-minded — I love learning about other people’s perspectives, experiences, backgrounds, and just about everything in general. If I’m building a product, then I would rather have different voices in a group as you never know where the next best idea comes from. Also, learning from others no matter their position is something more people should practice.

Why did you join Strategio’s Simulator?

After graduating from a coding Bootcamp, I had a ton of applications in and been through a handful of interviews and nothing had come off it yet. I felt lost until I came across Strategio. From the moment, I had my first interaction with Jonelle and Chanel, I knew I was in the right place. I not only am being trained on the latest technologies but I’m also getting paid to do so which is a no-brainer. I can’t wait to see what amazing things I create while in the Simulator and also after when I get to work for our clients while improving myself every step of the way.

I’m grateful for Strategio’s mission of creating equal opportunities for underrepresented groups in IT and I can’t wait to learn and grow every single day.

What were you doing before you joined Strategio?

My background is in hospitality and banking. I had been working at Capital One for just over 3 years when I decided to pivot to tech.

What are you most excited about this year?

This year, I have already learned a lot of new technologies so far and I can’t wait to get hands-on experience with cloud engineering and learn AWS which is something I’ve wanted to do since last year and now I finally feel confident enough to do so. I’m also looking forward to making lifelong connections here at Strategio and beyond.

What made you decide to get into tech?

While working at my previous job, I saw how tech makes real-world impacts on people every single day. I was on a call with a Wealth Management client who had been with the bank since the early days and I could hear that she was on the verge of pulling all her funds out of the bank. I found out what was bothering her, took her feedback to the relevant tech teams and it was solved within a matter of days. When I called her back to give her the good news, it felt like I could see the smile on her face as she was relieved to be financially secure, especially during the uncertain times of July ‘20. That day, I saw that a small update in our code can have such a massive impact in our client’s life and that’s when I decided to be a part of such positive changes for many more and here I am today.

What do you like to do during your spare time?

I like the outdoors so pretty much any activity which takes me out of the house is my jam. I love going to the beach, hiking, and exploring new and different food places. I try to give back when I can by volunteering at local food banks.

What is your favorite cultural value at Strategio?

My favorite cultural value at Strategio is “Be Better.” I’m not perfect, but continuously trying to better myself one step at a time is what I try to do.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

It would be New Zealand. I love going to the beach and NZ has one of the most pristine and secluded beaches so it would be perfect.

What’s your favorite restaurant?

There’s this restaurant in Philly called Barbuzzo, their salted caramel budino is like an elixir. I don’t even like desserts, but this one is a must-try. Everything they make is fantastic so if you’re in the area, go there.

What are you looking forward to learning/gaining during the Strategio Simulator?

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