Meet Technologist Juan Jose Guanipa

Juan Guanipa
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2023
  1. Describe yourself in three words:

Creative: I’m always thinking to create a new thing or discover stuff that I like and change them to use them in my own way.

Ambitious: I always think that I can do more and more, I feel like I have no limit to learning and growing.

Friendly: I consider myself a nice guy that can be friends with anyone that wants to be my friend. I’m respectful of everyone else and I really like meeting new people.

2. Why did you join Strategio’s Simulator?

A friend from IronHack recommended this simulator and told me how great it was for him so I decided to apply. Now that I’m only four days in, I can say it has been great so far.

3. What were you doing before you joined Strategio?

I finished a coding BootCamp in October 2022, and after that, I was looking for a job.

4. What are you most excited about this year?

I think the most exciting thing for me is to finally get a job in the field I like and have the opportunity to prove to myself that I can always do better if I want.

5. What made you decide to get into tech?

Ever since I can remember I always liked computers, video games, and pretty much everything related to tech. When I was a little kid I used to destroy phones just to see what was inside and how did it work.

6. What do you like to do during your spare time?

I’m a huge soccer fan, so I really like to watch soccer games. Also, I like video games and hanging out with friends.

7. What is your favorite cultural value at Strategio?

My favorite would be “Be transparent”. Ever since I was little my parents taught me that you always have to be transparent and be a good person.

8. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Right now I’ll love to travel back to Venezuela, my hometown, and see my old house, and my old friends and spend time with my parents and siblings.

9. What’s your favorite restaurant?

That will be Hillstone. I love meat, and I could eat a steak every day.

10. What are you looking forward to learning/gaining during the Strategio Simulator?

The answer will be in the following video.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my first blog. Please leave me a comment I would love to hear some feedback and feel free to follow me.

