Meet Technologist Mohebullah Mir

Mohebullah Mir
Published in
5 min readOct 19, 2022

Describe yourself in three words:

Strategic — I used to love procrastinating my assignments, but I was able to develop an effective strategy to fight procrastination, planning things out. Being a huge football fan and gamer growing up, I learned early what it means to have a strategy, a well-thought-out approach to tackle an issue. When you think strategically, you’re not just looking at effective ways to solve problems, you’re also utilizing your time and energy better by planning things out. This method of planning and having a strategy for getting tasks done has helped me combat my procrastination impressively.

Competitive — I grew up with two older brothers, So I had to earn things the hard way back then. I became highly competitive over time when it came to playing sports, my middle school professor even stated in my report card that I took the activities too seriously! It’s great to be competitive in day-to-day tasks because it will push your peers and yourself to become better, but not too competitive to where you don’t want to talk to someone because they’re a fan of the opposite team! (That used to be me)

Patient — As the saying goes, “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, this can apply to almost all aspects of life. You won’t see progress from the gym just after one week, so why expect to see it right after starting a new course or Bootcamp? I love to play the long game and compare my progress by looking to see how I performed a year ago, or even months ago on a certain topic.

Why did you join Strategio’s simulator?

Many things about Strategio appealed to me at a first glance and it would be impossible for me to weigh some factors over others. I love Strategio’s mission to promote diversity and inclusion in the workforce, I had recently just finished an internship with a startup that’s aiming to revolutionize the industry when it comes to fairness and representation in the workplace. I also really like Strategio’s tech simulator model, It’s really interesting to remove the titles of “student” and “teacher” from the simulator, it shows us “technologists” that our professional career has actually already started the day we joined Simulator 5. In addition to that, the simulator’s length of 8 weeks is very attractive to me, I feel like it’s an adequate amount of time for someone like me who has some experience in the field, but may need help getting their foot in the door, to learn and grow.

What were you doing before you joined Strategio?

I recently just finished an internship as a blockchain developer with Snapbrillia, a startup that is creating huge waves within the Cardano ecosystem. Snapbrillia’s main goal is to help diversify a workforce that is not fairly representing the world of tech and to eliminate bias in the hiring process by changing it completely!

It was quite an experience interning with Snapbrillia as I had dived into an unknown realm for me and learned many new things. I learned an entirely new programming language in Haskell and utilized it in Plutus (the native smart contract language for the Cardano blockchain). I was also able to run a Cardano Node on my local machine and use the Cardano CLI (command line interface) to send transactions to other wallets and script addresses.

Tech-related stuff aside, I was and still am working as a restaurant manager for my family business, Pamir Kabab House & Grill. Working as a manager has taught me to take initiative when leadership is absent and to set an example for people who are not experienced in their roles.

What are you most excited about this year?

I am super excited to learn about the technologies listed in the simulator. I believe one must always continuously learn to become better at what they do. I want to work on some interesting projects that I can add to my GitHub and further build my professional portfolio.

Another thing that excites me is the opportunity to meet Strategio’s clients. I’ve struggled landing interviews in the past and the fact that it is pretty much guaranteed that I’ll be interviewing with a client sometime soon is very intriguing to me.

What made you decide to get into tech?

What made me get into tech was the ability to constantly learn new things. Tech is constantly evolving and has changed more in the past 20 years than in the past 200 years. I want to be part of that change, and learn all the new things that are causing such a rapid change.

What do you like to do during your spare time?

My favorite pastime is going to the gym and working out. We’re living in a time where a huge chunk of people in our industry are working from home (including me, for now). That means we’re more sedentary now than ever before, therefore it’s very important to me to stay on top of my health and get in better shape. The gym also provides me an atmosphere where I can decompress and think about current issues that I’m facing if that makes any sense.

What is your favorite cultural value at Strategio?

My favorite cultural value at Strategio is “continuously learn”. I’ve already stressed before and I can’t stress enough how important this is. No matter how good you may be at what you do, there’s always something you don’t know. The never-ending journey to achieve this knowledge is what will make you great instead of just good.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

If I could travel anywhere, I would travel to Mecca to perform Hajj. Hajj is the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca that is only performed once a year, and all Muslims are expected to perform it at least once in their lifetime. In recent times it has gotten increasingly difficult to secure a trip for Hajj, this is mainly due to the Covid-19 pandemic. So you have to pass a lottery process to get a ticket, and the prices for travel and boarding have gone up as well. On the bright side, the attendance limit has increased from 60,000 to 1,000,000 this past year, next year will most likely accept even more.

Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. (Courtesy of Konevi on

What’s your favorite restaurant?

I could’ve just rolled over for this and said my favorite restaurant is my own restaurant, but I don’t want to take the easy way out haha. My favorite spot to eat currently is a fast food place called Holy Cow in Elmont, NY. They have some mouth-watering crispy fried chicken sandwiches that I haven’t tried in quite some time. Great, now I’m hungry. Good thing this was the last question because now I have to eat!

What are you looking forward to learning/gaining during the Strategio Simulator?

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Mohebullah Mir

Software Engineer 💻 Avid Hiker 🌳 Fitness enthusiast 🏋️‍♀️