Meet the Technologist: Bradley Goldsmith

Bradley Goldsmith


Hello! I’m Bradley Goldsmith, a software developer who is just starting their career in tech. I’m joining Strategio for the sixth simulation and can’t wait to learn and grow over the coming weeks!

Describe Yourself in 3 words

I would describe myself as curious, reliable, and open-minded.

I always try to learn something new, be it technology, a foreign language, or a new recipe. Since I was young, my curiosity has led me to question and analyze the world around me.

When I am responsible for a task, I work tirelessly to get it done and do good for the people who trusted me. It feels great to know others can rely on me and that they value the work I do.

I try to stay open to new perspectives while working on a team or receiving feedback on my work. I have found that when you are open to criticism (and when that criticism is constructive), everyone benefits, and we can make fast progress.

Why did you join Strategio’s Simulator?

I joined Strategio because I want to start my career as a software engineer with great training and the support of growth-oriented peers. I had always been curious about pursuing Software Engineering but had only a minor degree and little real-world experience. It can be tough to bridge that gap and get companies to take you seriously, especially in the current job market. Strategio saw my potential and is giving me the resources to thrive. I couldn’t be more honored and excited.

What were you doing before you joined Strategio?

Before Strategio, I was an English language teacher and freelance writing tutor who spent living abroad in Austria. I spent my free time learning web development, doing side projects, and working on my foreign language skills.

What are you most excited about this year?

I am excited to take the first steps in my software engineering career and learn as much as possible from my teachers, mentors, and coworkers.

What made you decide to get into tech?

It probably started when I was in Kindergarten, and my brother got a Game Boy Advance. I remember gawking at the little screen, asking my brother how they fit the humongous world of Super Mario Bros 3 into such a tiny plastic cartridge. The first technically complicated thing I ever did was install emulators for older game consoles on the family computer to see more amazing worlds through a small screen.

I remained interested in computers but didn’t dive deep until college. I was in the humanities but took the intro CS course for fun. I wanted to know the secrets of how computers actually worked to demystify them. But I found that the more I understood how hardware and software worked together, the more amazed I was by the clever engineering and awesome potential of modern computers. I kept learning, my interest kept growing, and I decided to pursue it as a career.

What do you like to do during your spare time?

I like playing video games, practicing German, and hanging out with my friends in my spare time.

What is your favorite cultural value at Strategio?

My favorite value of Strategio’s is “Fail-Fast and learn.” Failure is an uncomfortable but necessary step when doing any kind of project. Great success will necessarily be preceded by failures, but learning to use failure as an opportunity for reflection and growth is essential to succeeding as an engineer and problem solver.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

I think I would go to Mexico City. It looks like such a lively and culturally rich place with a lot of history. Plus, it would also be a good opportunity to practice Spanish.

What’s your favorite restaurant?

My favorite restaurant would probably be Au Cheval in Chicago. Best burger I have ever had, and I still crave it.

What am I looking forward to learning during the Simulator?

