Passing the Torch, You got this!

Keith (Ohz) Baskerville
Published in
4 min readMar 4, 2022

Before joining Strategio, I was actively searching for my first employment opportunity in tech. Facing many rejections, I was in the process of doubting myself and my career transition. I joined Strategio because it was an opportunity to level up my IT skills and learn how to transfer my experiences to a thriving career in tech. During my time in the Enterprise Simulator, I’ve learned DevOp concepts to help me connect the dots and feel more confident in my technical skillset than ever! I feel empowered to continuously learn, be unapologetically myself, and the power of sharing knowledge!

Some highlights during the 8-week simulator would be adopting DevOps tools and practices that helped me understand the lifecycle of an application and how I can apply CI/CD tools and methodologies to save time, money, and improve efficiency! I also loved learning the history of Cloud Computing and the implementation of services and platforms like Amazon Web Services, Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes. I’m dedicating this blog to Technologists and Developers entering a simulator or Bootcamp. Here are some helpful tips that helped me make the most out of Straretgio’s amazing opportunities! For more information on Strategio and its core values please visit here.

Tips for Success!

Know your Why

I strongly believe in the power of setting goals. Be transparent with yourself and ask yourself what areas need the most improvement? I needed practice with a programming language because I wanted to feel more confident taking on coding challenges. During the Enterprise simulator, my colleagues and I took the PCEP exam by Python Insititute. This helped drive home the core concepts and fundamentals of Python. I was then able to build upon that knowledge and apply it to Data Structure and Algorithm questions. Setting this goal before we started this week fueled me when I experienced mental fatigue from studying endlessly.

Growth mindset over fixed

Having a growth mindset is key! Think of it as one of my favorite Strategio core values to continuously learn and fail fast. I honestly think the secret to becoming a Senior Developer is seeking to find ways to continuously learn. Here is a helpful video on 11 Growth mindset Strategies to help you in your Dev journey!

11 Growth Mindset Strategies

Learn, Do, Learn, Do Repeat

Shout out to our Simulator Leader Nicole Ann Hargrove, the simulator roadmap implemented the learn, do, learn, do practice. Throughout the simulator, you will learn the theory or concept behind the technology and immediately apply it to complete a simple task. In week one we learned AWS and the available services. For example, we learned how to leverage an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud aka Ec2 instance. After learning about the benefits and use of an Ec2 we went ahead and configured and launched one ourselves.

Ec2 Instances

Concepts are like building blocks. Learn one and build upon that knowledge with a new one.

Again, shout out to the Simulator roadmap! Each week of the simulator focused on each phase of the DevOps lifecycle. As you touched each phase of the lifecycle, we slowly started to see the dots connect. By the end, you will be able to create your own CI/CD pipeline! In the last week, I worked in a team with three of my colleagues. We used the skills and knowledge we’ve learned to present a 30 min demonstration with a solution to a problem. We were able to take a concept from idea to delivery. Below is an architectural diagram our Team presented explaining the concept and use of Amazon Web Services to create and launch an Unbuntu Ec2 Instance for computing power.

Ec2 Diagram

Embrace Feedback (Glow and Grow Model)

We tend to have a misconception and negative response to feedback. However, one tool I have picked up that has helped me reach breakthroughs has been through the Glow and Grow Model. Grow and Glow is a way to provide valuable, constructive feedback to help your team and colleagues automate their professional development process. For example, after every presentation, we as a group would give one glow which would be one key aspect of the presentation that stood out to them. As well as one grow that included an area of improvement. We have found this creates a safe space to receive and process feedback which enables the individual to take action and apply it to the next time they present. Everyone in the group is on the same team and we all want each other to win. This format empowers us to uplift each other and pushes each other to get better continuously(CGL/CGR lol).

Yes, You got this

In conclusion, remember your why when times get hard. This is a part of the process of learning. You should get excited when it gets hard because it’s an opportunity to grow your skillset. Also, remember to take frequent breaks and go outside! I love to exercise and take my dog Zooty for walks at the park. This may sound simple or uneventful but it does wonders for the brain. Take my word for it. For all the future Technologists joining the Legacy at Strategio, know you are in great hands and have a bright future ahead of you!

Yes, You Got this

-Unlimited Possibilities


