Strategio & NCWIT Membership Announcement

Nathalia Delima
Published in
1 min readMar 1, 2022

Strategio is proud to announce its National Center for Women & Information Technology(NCWIT) Workforce Alliance (WA) membership. NCWIT is a non-profit community of nearly 1,500 universities, companies, non-profits, and government organizations nationwide working to increase the influential and meaningful participation of girls and women — at the intersections of race, ethnicity, class, age, sexual orientation, and disability status — in the field of computing, particularly in terms of innovation and development.

One of our main goals as an NCWIT WA member is to expand our Strategio Scholarship opportunities for potential Technologists; focused proactively on bringing more women and gender diverse applicants into Tech. We believe that by investing in future technologists we will be able to remove the financial barrier to entry into the industry.

As an exclusive membership benefit, Strategio will receive access to industry-leading research and data, which will be provided by the team of Research Scientists at NCWIT. Strategio is at the forefront of the DEI space, driving change at both enterprise organizations and education institutions. It’s essential that we continue to share only the most accurate data when advising, consulting and speaking at industry events.

’Talent Creation as a Service’ is our end-to-end pipeline for sourcing underrepresented technology talent, investing in paid training across the most in-demand enterprise technology skills, and delivering this fresh talent to job placements with enterprise organizations. We at Strategio value collaboration so we are excited to join NCWIT in its critical mission to correct underrepresentation in computing!

