Team Dynamics: 5 tips for any team

Joelchrist Abreu
Published in
4 min readMay 6, 2022
Credit to Jackie Trenh

Teams are an essential ingredient to the success of a company. Teams are like the chill temperature in a beer, beers are nice when it's cold, but disgusting when it's warm. A team with good vibes would need all members to communicate effectively, plan and set goals, give and receive constructive criticism, share knowledge, and be their true selves. Here 5 tips on how we can improve each of these aspects.

Communication and Participation:

There are many pathways to communication, it’s important to establish a space where your team or organization can communicate. Slack offers this platform for communication. It is a great way to keep teammates engaged and has many useful plugins. Recently, they even added a group video chat feature within the platform. Team meetings can sometimes be dull, it is helpful if a sense of engagement is added to the mix. For example, in my team, at times we don’t assign roles we use the wheel of fortune to decide these roles for us. It’s important to ask for help if any blockers arrive, one member may have a resolution to that blocker. The last important thing is to keep an open mind. People have different methods of solving the same problem, there is a chance that you can also pick up on their methods and implement them in your work.

Share Knowledge:

When working in a group, sharing your knowledge is a critical team process in keeping everyone on the same page. A team can be made up of individuals from various backgrounds who have different skill sets so it is important to be flexible and not hold back any information that might benefit the entire group. Barriers to knowledge from a lack of communication can result in demotivation and disengagement from any goals/projects a group may be working on. Team knowledge sharing can be the foundation on which trust is built with effective communication. Having a high level of trust among team members makes it easier to collaborate and openly share relevant resources for a specific topic. With remote work becoming the new normal, there are a plethora of online tools that enable smooth communication between team members and make it simple to share and learn about a subject.

Planning and Setting goals:

It is very important in a cohesive team for plans to be clearly outlined. This way the team comprehends the goals and can commit to reaching them. Everyone then understands what needs to be done to achieve the final product, and can spot which areas need more help. But most importantly, having a clear purpose defined helps to keep everyone motivated and aligned. Trello boards keep members informed about what needs to be done, and tools like Google Meet and previously mentioned Slack make it easy for groups to meet and schedule upcoming plans.

Giving and Receiving Feedback:

Feedback is notoriously hard to give or receive. But it is a crucial part of working in a team. It is important to evaluate performances to allow us to recognize our weaknesses and areas we need to improve on. It can inspire change when needed and gives perspective on how our work impacts the others around us.
It is hard not to take negative feedback personally, but it is important to see it as an opportunity for growth rather than a criticism of one’s performance. It should help foster motivation for improvement. Additionally, positive feedback helps strengthen confidence in skills, reinforces productive behaviors, and creates a positive work culture. Both these aspects of giving feedback are beneficial for working in a team environment.

Be yourself:

“Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.” Oscar Wilde. Let’s face it, trying to be someone else takes a lot of energy, and it often shows. But on the other hand, showing your authentic self to your team brings an opportunity to improve workflow. The quirks, the strengths, and the weaknesses of everyone should shape how the team moves. One member’s strength could be another’s weakness and vice versa. Everyone being themselves builds trust and gives a blueprint on how they receive information. Some people like to get to the point with no small talk; others love a little catch-up before getting to work. Some need clearly defined instructions to work. Others prefer having room to work outside of the box. No matter what kind of person you are, hiding yourself brings more problems and stress to oneself and a team so just be yourself.

Tools and software can aid teams with communication and engagement, make sure to use them even if it includes minigames. Careful planning and documentation can aid the team in moving forward. Don’t be afraid to give feedback to your peers, and keep an open mind when you receive yours. Make sure to share knowledge that can help the rest of your team remove blockers. Be yourself, it's important for your well-being and helps build trust between your team and yourself. bI hope that these tips could help facilitate a healthy team dynamic.

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Authors: Nathalia Lafosse, Jackie Trenh, Bill Phung, Tyree Harper, Joelchrist Abreu

