Technologist Spotlight: Eddie Espinosa

Eddie Espinosa
Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2023
A very skilled software engineer.

Describe yourself in 3 words.

Efficient: I’m the kind of person that likes to get a lot of things done, fast, all the time. If you’ve ever walked by my desk, you’ve seen me doing three + tasks at once. And this is my only setting. I believe multi-tasking is real. I plan out the most efficient manner and the order for things to happen. As it turns out, this is perfect in the world of technology, and I have found my calling!

Adaptable: This one is more of a learned behaviour. Anyone who’s survived in the mortgage industry for some time can attest to this. It’s a market driven, rate sensitive, cyclical industry which requires you to pivot consistently. I’ve worked with many titles, roles, technologies and client bases. We all know the tech industry poses the same challenge. Stay relevant or get left behind. I’m ready!

Curious: Another word for this may be nerd. I like to know how things work, why they work that way and what else can be done. I like experimenting with new technologies and love the feeling of learning something difficult. I’ve sought out a field that will never get stale and allow me to be ever curious and ever leaning.

Why did you join Strategio’s Simulator?

This was a perfect opportunity to take the skills I’ve learned to the next level. Strategio takes the skills you’ve built and shows you how to apply them in the real world.

What were you doing before you joined Strategio?

The last 7 years before making the switch to tech I was in the mortgage industry. 5 years as a Loan Officer helping clients qualify for refinance and purchase loans. 2 years as a trainer helping the next generation learn from my experiences.

What are you most excited about this year?

Learning and growing my experience.

What made you decide to get into tech?

The puzzles, the learning, the challenges and the opportunity. I’ve always wondered how a computer does what it does. After my first online course I was hooked and the rest is history.

What do you like to do during your spare time?

When I’m not doing something coding related I like to train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I do it for fun, to socialize and once in a blue moon to compete.

What is your favorite cultural value at Strategio?

Share Knowledge. It’s something I’ve always enjoyed. It’s why I spent some time as a trainer and what I do at every opportunity.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Anywhere outside the US and Canada. I want to see new places, new cultures and try some new food.

What’s your favorite restaurant?

Rocco’s Tacos is my go to!

What are you looking forward to learning/gaining during the Strategio Simulator?

See my response

I will be documenting my experiences and my journey in Strategio. Be sure to follow to learn more about my journey.

