The Door of Opportunities

Ernesto Gonzalez
Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2023

In today’s competitive job market, networking has become an essential skill to develop for career growth and success. Coffee chats are among the most effective ways to build professional relationships and gain insights into different industries and career paths. Coffee chats are informal meetings where professionals (not always) get together over coffee or tea to discuss their work experiences, career journeys, and industry trends. These conversations allow you to learn from others, expand your network, and gain valuable knowledge and advice to help you navigate your career path. In this article, I will explore the value of coffee chats in building professional relationships and my experience with them.

Importance and Benefits

We never know what we will get next in this big gift of life. Sometimes we get laid off without previous notice, and other times we start hating the job we once loved. Regardless of what happens, it is essential to make connections and have a network that can ease things when we want to change our lives, whether that means advancing in our careers or getting help switching to a new one.

A coffee chat is an opportunity that could lead to a career, job, friendship, or mentorship. They are important because they allow individuals to talk casually in a comfortable setting. Listening to others speak about themselves can sometimes help us improve. Maybe they talk about a mistake they once made or something they did to improve their skills. The good and the bad experiences should be heard because we can learn from all of them and improve ourselves.

My Experience

In my experience, you have to go to coffee chats ready to challenge yourself. Not everyone has the same way of looking at things, and we must remain open-minded about it. If you are setting up a coffee chat, make sure to clarify your intentions and purpose to the other person. For example, if I want to discuss their career as I software developer, I am not throwing them a curve ball and start talking about politics.

During a coffee chat, I am focused on what the other person is saying and always try to restate what they said once they are done. That way, I can make sure that I did not misunderstand them and show I am listening.

These are my musts during a coffee chat:

  • Keep your phone on mute: This is just common sense. You schedule a time to talk solely with the other person. You don’t your phone to interrupt them while they are talking.
  • Focus on the purpose of the chat: As mentioned, you are there for a reason. Don’t throw them a curve ball and start talking about something completely out of topic.
  • Connect on a personal level: Coffee chats should be like having a casual conversation. Most people don’t want to hear or give a lecture. They want to discuss things about themselves and their careers.
  • Ask questions: Don’t go to the meeting without any questions. You are there because you are curious about them and what they do. Have questions to back up that curiosity.
  • Be respectful of their time: If you scheduled the meeting for 1 hour, do not drag it 30 minutes over without first making sure they are okay with it.

In conclusion, the door of opportunities can open through coffee chats. Networking is vital to career growth and success, and coffee chats are one of the most effective ways to build relationships and gain insights into different industries and career paths. It is essential to approach these conversations with a purpose, an open mind, and respect for the other person’s time. With the right mindset and preparation, coffee chats can lead to new opportunities, valuable knowledge, and long-lasting relationships. So take advantage of this informal and comfortable setting to learn, grow, and connect with others in your field.

That’s it for this week. Clap and comment. Suggestions and corrections are always welcome!

