The Winning Formula: Blending Culture and Skillset in Your Hiring Strategy

Chanel Ford
Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2023

Hello there, hiring managers! If you’re new here, let me reintroduce myself. I’m Chanel; the Head of People and Culture at Strategio, a scaling startup, and after six years in the people space, I’ve learned a thing or two about the delicate art of balancing culture fit and skillset in hiring. Let’s face it; it’s a bit like trying to choose between pizza and ice cream — both are fantastic, but you can’t have both at once. So, how do you strike that perfect balance and build a winning team without compromising your company’s unique vibe? Buckle up; I’m about to spill the beans.

There’s no way around it, skills are vital. They’re the superpowers that help your team tackle challenges and achieve greatness. But, remember, you’re not assembling a league of superheroes; you’re building a team that needs to work together harmoniously. So, when assessing skills, don’t let your enthusiasm blind you. Look for the skills you need, but also keep an eye on their potential for growth. If they can’t collaborate or adapt, those skills might as well be a fish out of water.

Let’s Talk About Culture, Baby! Your company’s culture is its heartbeat. It’s what makes your workplace unique and defines the way your team interacts and thrives. Now, I’m all for a fun and dynamic culture, but remember, you can’t hire people based solely on their ability to juggle bean bags while chugging kombucha. Culture fit matters, but don’t be afraid to mix it up a bit. Embrace diversity — different backgrounds and perspectives can inject fresh ideas into your culture and help it grow.

Balancing Act: Tips and Tricks

  • Define Your Culture: Be clear on your company’s values, so you know what to look for in potential hires.
  • Values Alignment: During interviews, dig into candidates’ values and how they’ve contributed positively to previous workplaces.
  • Embrace Diversity: It’s not about sacrificing culture fit, but rather about enriching it with different viewpoints.
  • Foster Growth: Skills can be learned, but a commitment to learning is essential.
  • Soft Skills Matter: Communication, teamwork, and problem-solving are as crucial as technical skills.
  • Onboarding and Integration: Invest in onboarding to help new hires acclimate to your culture.
  • Keep the Conversation Open: Regular feedback from employees can help you gauge how new hires are fitting in.

After a few laps in the People space, I can tell you that finding the sweet spot between culture fit and skillset is worth its weight in gold. With the right mix, you’ll build a team that not only possesses the skills to conquer your startup’s challenges but also embodies the culture that makes your workplace extraordinary. It’s a journey unique to each company, and the beauty lies in the pursuit.

Now that you’ve got the lowdown on striking that perfect balance, I’d love to hear from you. Share your experiences, challenges, and successes in the hiring realm in the comments below. Let’s learn from each other and keep the conversation going!

So, are you ready to embark on this exciting journey of hiring success? Let’s find that sweet spot and build a dream team that’s ready to take your startup to the next level. Together, we can make hiring as fun as choosing between pizza and ice cream — because why choose when you can have it all? 🍕🍦

