Working On Projects is Fun

Obed Gyawu
Published in
4 min readFeb 13, 2023


A project is a series or set of tasks that need to be completed to reach a specific outcome or a particular goal. During projects, you are been able to use the skills you learned, improve on the skills you have already, and also learned new skills. In this article, I am going to talk about a project I did during my school time as a computer science student. And the name of the project was “The Church of Methodist” The project was for a class called Web Application Development, and I was told to design a front-end Web Application for a client to satisfy their needs.

Project Process

First of all, I read to understand the assignment and the requirement needed. I first did my interview with the client and the client told me he wants a church website where the members can see information about the church such as announcements, locations, and pages to contact the church, and also where they can book appointments for counseling. This is where the name of the project came about. After the interview, I sat down and did my planning for the client's needs. I listed the software and technologies needed for the task. The software and technologies that were used are Hypertext Markup Language(HTML) which is a basic script language for designing a web page. Cascading Style Sheet(CSS) which is used to style the web page( give color to the page, text styles, and others). There was also a software called Figma that was used to make a prototype of how the website going to look and Javascript was the programming language that was used for the coding part.

After gathering all my technologies and software I then started my building stage where I did my prototype of how the website going to be like. The website consists of four pages, which are the home page, announcement page, contact page, and counseling page. After that, I started coding the actual assignment by implementing my webpage using HTML, styling my webpage using CSS, and I also applied some animations and JSON texts on the webpage using the JavaScript programming language. Below are the details of the actual web pages of the project.

The home page shows information about the church, images of the church, the address of the church, the phone number of the church, and the location of the church.

The next page was the announcement page, this page contains the necessary information for what is going to happen each day. And this helps church members to see the activity that will go on each day. On this page, there is a feature called the accordion widget which is used to hide details of information but the information can be seen by clicking on the arrow to show the hidden information. Below images will show a preview of the page.

The contact page is the next page after the announcement page where church members can fill out a form to help them contact the church to know about any specific information.

The last page on the website was the counseling page, which helps church members to book counseling appointments with the preacher of their choice. BX slider jquery content was used on this page to allow church members to slide through images of the preachers.


Working on this project was very fun and gave me the chance to utilize my acquired skills. Even though there were some challenges I faced during the project where I got stuck at some point because my code was not working. I continue to try over and over again till I got it to work. And what I learned from this is that never give up on what you are doing when you face challenges but rather work hard to overcome those challenges. Thank you for taking the time to read this article and below is the link to the website if you want to take a tour. Thank you

