How to train your drag… Ehr… Your Robot

Really interesting article on the necessity to develop ways to train AIs working in the physical spaces. Key problems are:

  • How we can find «best» practices for the tasks we need to teach.
  • How the robot training can be carried in a fast(er), efficient way.
  • In particular, ideating a way to make robot «transfer» their knowledge and skills, to accelerate their learning.

My thoughts: companies working on products and services for humans have the upper hand here. For instance, a white appliance firm, or a restaurant chain, could easily produce a lot of training data (videos, filed observation) from their humans (customers using the appliance, cooks…).

From the safey and transparency points of view, the robot learning areas open up a new can of worms to be smashed…



Salvatore Larosa
Business Design — Strategy and Experience

Business and service designer fighting for lost causes. Londoner inside. Cinema and theatre junkie. Bad cook. Old boy.