Short, specialized design courses and workshops available in EU/IT by leading agencies and academies


Workshops and courses suggested by members of the group “Digital Strategy and Experience” (

Design Sprint Milan Bootcamp, powered by Fondazione Brodolini

Design Sprint Course by Tangible (Italy):

June 25th-28th, 2020. Architecta Summer School 2020 edition (Bari, Italy):

Service Design South, Sicily ( Contact: Vincenzo Di Maria

UX Dojo Rome ( Contact:

Agile Business Day “On Tour” Events. Please monitor the Agile Business Day site and subscribe to their newsletter:

Along the whole year, Italy (check their calendar): Maple workshops on customer journey mapping, innovation by design and venture kanban.

Along the whole year, Italy (check their calendar): UX University Rome, Milan and online (



Salvatore Larosa
Business Design — Strategy and Experience

Business and service designer fighting for lost causes. Londoner inside. Cinema and theatre junkie. Bad cook. Old boy.