The new Stingray AI innovation framework by Board of Innovation — the death of design thinking, announced once again

The Stingray framework © Board of Innovation (

A note on the new Board of Innovation framework. I find it stimulating and forward-looking, but it requires further analysis and evaluation, to understand how/whether AI activities really intertwine with human-drivan design (thinking) ones.

The double diamond is no longer promoted by the Design Council, they have innovated their framework bringing in more significant aspects and trends, such as systems thinking. That said, AI is a design tool and tools are not apparent in any design framework because…Ehr… they are tools. You can still use AI to support any activity in a whatsoever framework, provided that AI is mature enough for that specific activity.

The emphasis on the “train” stage in the new BoI framework is interesting, too, because when you train an AI on something you have already decided the goal and scope of training (for instance, you train an AI on a huge lot of poetries because you are addressing the problem of automatically generating poetries, or of analyzing poetries to infer their authorship and authenticity, or something else related to that). But deciding goal and scope requires human design (thinking) activities on the leftmost side of your stingray.

In BoI post, they state that AI can be unbiased. True, but this requires an adequate, specific training. And in turn, to avoid or identify the biases for whom you must carefully define your training dataset, you need to understand context, people and… Oh my, wait for it… Design (thinking) again.

But I appreciate the new BoI model, I just think it requires a more advanced level of AI, able to correlate context, meaning of datas AND artifact design. Once again, you also need to train the AI on data related to prototypes/products successes and failures, and so you need to “immerse” the stingray in a broader design (thinking) framework. We are not yet there… But we eventually will. Meanwhile, the BoI stingray model has the merit of being a stimulus, “stinging” us to look forward, think harder and wilder, and expand our horizon, because we are just started to realize the real meaning of exponential innovation rate, from the first, obsoleted ChatGPT 1 to the amazing rabbit device presented last week. In a couple of years, maybe, design methods could be effectively (and positively) disrupted, at least in some areas, and we need to envision this future and build it.



Salvatore Larosa
Business Design — Strategy and Experience

Business and service designer fighting for lost causes. Londoner inside. Cinema and theatre junkie. Bad cook. Old boy.