Why Strategy Dynamics?

Kyle Sandburg
Strategy Dynamics
Published in
2 min readJan 4, 2018

I have spent the first 15 years of my career in business strategy roles. Through this time I have come to appreciate that to be a good (or great) strategist requires a lot of breadth. While some strategists have focused on one specific domain, I have building out breadth. In addition, I have seen many strategies that are static one-time artifacts fail. Business is dynamic and ever changing and thus companies need approaches that are adaptive and dynamic. I like to combine design thinking and systems thinking in my work to create more flexible and adaptive strategies. The purpose of this blog is to share various frameworks that apply across the spectrum of business and how to use these to build out a dynamic strategy.

Over the course of my career I have been able to address many different strategy questions facing businesses from which I will leverage over the course of this blog. These include:

  • Strategic Planning >> Which initiatives will deliver the most value for the company?
  • Product Strategy >> Which product features will alleviate the most customer pain?
  • Logistics Strategy >> how many distribution warehouses to have and where they should be located?
  • M&A Strategy >> how do we organize a single company to get the most from two companies?
  • Opportunity Sizing>> What is the market opportunity for Smart Windows?
  • Human Capital >> How should we organize a 5000 person organization to achieve our business results?
  • Channel Strategy >> Which marketing channels should we invest in for growth?
  • Pricing Strategy >> How should we price our offering?

What to expect over the next few weeks

My first set of posts will go through scenario planning. I have found scenario planning to be a useful exercise to understand market conditions and get a high-level strategy in place to address the best guess of the future. I will use real world examples to make it real and hopefully easier to understand. I look forward to sharing my experiences, getting your comments and growing my skills. Please leave comments and I’ll get in touch.



Kyle Sandburg
Strategy Dynamics

Like to play at the intersection of Sustainability, Technology, Product Design. Tweets represent my own opinions.