6 Charlotte Companies in Data Analytics

Bella Wei
Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2016
6 Charlotte Companies in Data Analytics

Few cities in the country have Charlotte’s depth and breadth of talent and interest in Data Analytics. Our expansive data analytics ecosystem includes many local tech companies, as well as a strong University in UNC Charlotte. A few of the local software and services companies have already achieved successful exits, including Beanstalk Data and Conclusive Analytics.

The following is a 2016 list of Charlotte based tech companies focused on data analytics, listed in alphabetic order:

AGDATA — A company highly focused on insight and intelligence solutions for the agriculture, crop protection, and animal health industries. Their data analytics solutions include Business Intelligence and Statistical Analysis for seed, turf care, crop protections, animal health and nutrition, and other agricultural industries. They were founded in 1985.

Fuzzy Logix — A high growth Charlotte company who recently raised a $5.5M series A investment. They provide “in-database” analytics, which analyzes data right in the database where they are stored. That’s different than the traditional multi-step approach of extracting data from the database, loading data on a dedicated analytics server, and then running analytics there. Fuzzy Logix has a partnership with Teradata, as well as Netezza and Sybase. The company was founded by two former BofA bankers in 2007.

Quaero — Developer of the data management platform, AdVantage, a solution that helps media companies maximize advertising revenue through optimal audience targeting. They do this by managing and analyzing audience data. Clients include ESPN, MSNBC, Keurig Green Mountain, and Bravo. AdVantage is pre-built with inputs and outputs for most of the standard industry sources of data and can be deployed quickly, often in a matter of weeks. Naras Eechambadi founded the company in 1999, sold it to CSG in 2008, and then bought it back again in 2014.

Stratifyd — Developer of Signals, a self-service data analytics and visualization platform with particular expertise in unstructured text analysis. Clients like Ally Bank and Lenovo use Signals for Voice of Customer analysis from product reviews, surveys, chat, email, social media, and other customer interactions. The platform connects to any internal data source, as well as external sources (often using the built-in data connectors) The Signals platform enables analysis jobs to run ad hoc by uploading a csv or Excel file. Derek Wang founded the company in 2012 as a spinout from UNCC, under the Taste Analytics brand. Stratifyd was recently named an IDC Innovator for the 2016 Machine Learning-Based Text Analytics Market.

Syntelli — Syntelli Solutions is a data science and big data engineering and implementation company, focused primarily on marketing, sales, supply chain, and finance organizations. Their product/technology expertise lies in Hadoop, Tableau Software, Spotfire, R, Python, RapidMiner and SAS. Their clients, which include Wells Fargo, FedEx, Nike, utilize Syntelli to implement data-lakes, build data warehouses, and write statistical/analytical models. Syntelli was founded in 2005.

Tresata — Tresata provides data software solutions for the financial service market. Their key product is a predictive analytics platform built entirely on the open-source Hadoop framework. The platform serves as a “customer intelligence management” product that helps users analyze, predict and convert customer data into sales. Tresata was co-founded in 2011 by two former BofA executives.

Learn more about our data analytics platform, Signals, by emailing us at clientsupport@stratifyd.com.

