Customer Experience Analysis for Allstate Insurance

Tim Roberson
Published in
3 min readJan 12, 2017

Stratifyd used its AI-powered analytics platform, Signals, to assess Allstate Insurance Company customer reviews on By looking at agents related directly to potential policyholders, how claims were processed and handled, as well as perceived value, we could get a better picture of their overall customer experience and provide actionable insight to effect change.

Stratifyd analyzed the unstructured data, looking at the sentiment behind and frequency of different word pairs in order to create a clear view of customer satisfaction. There were three areas in particular that were most important to the results.

The Three Key Areas:

Customer Service: We looked at how friendly and knowledgeable about the available policies agents were, as well as how willing they were to help customers find the right policy for them.

Claims Processing: We focused on aspects such as how quickly a customer was contacted after a claim, how swiftly the claim was settled, as well as knowledge and attitude of claims adjuster.

Value for Price: We looked at whether customers felt they were receiving good value for the price they were paying for insurance.

With these three main areas and the associated data, Stratifyd was able to clearly see the customer voice and analyze the areas where Nordstom was excelling and where they were falling short.

On a rating of 1–5 stars, this is where our three main aspects ranked:

  • Customer Service rated 3.03 out of 5 stars.
  • Claims Processing rated 3.50 out of 5 stars.
  • Value for Price rated 3.25 out of 5 stars.
  • From these three major factors, we generated an Overall Customer Satisfaction score of 3.23 out of 5 stars.

Signals is also able to add additional layers to the data, including the ability to break down it down by region. From the Yelp data collected, we discovered that Allstate Customer Satisfaction varied greatly state to state.

Looking at multiple angles for each set of data, Stratifyd Signals could provide Allstate with actionable intelligence regarding customer experience and allow them to make adjustments in those areas or regions where they were deficient. With a single platform, our clients can aggregate data from multiple sources both structured and unstructured, as well as visualize the data in such a way that any member of the team can move quickly from raw data to valuable insight.

To learn more about Stratifyd Signals, Click Here.

