How Customer Analytics Can Help Your Business

Tim Roberson
Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2017

More so than price these days, customers demand an excellent customer experience. Consumers are becoming more discerning with the wide variety of businesses vying for their attention, and they want to have the best experience possible. You as a company are already doing what you can to understand their needs through customer loyalty programs, surveys, and other types of internal engagement. However, customer feedback increasingly lies outside of your internal information in multiple places across the web. In order to gain the full picture of customer sentiment, your customer analytics needs to reach outside your internal data to include everywhere feedback lives.

To begin understanding how outside customer feedback affects your customer analytics, it’s important to recognize that while the programs you have in place are giving you a good picture of customer satisfaction, they aren’t providing the whole picture. The important information you need in order to provide the best customer experience now lives in a variety of digital spaces. Pulling this data together with a strong data analytics tool can provide a clear overview of those things you’re doing right and those you aren’t. The best tools can unify outside data with your internal information to give you the true picture of customer sentiment, allowing you to understand the issues you’re facing and take steps to resolve them.

True customer analytics creates a general sense of your company from the customer viewpoint, allowing you to understand how you’re seen in the marketplace overall. Additionally, it will allow you to see who your best and most loyal customers are, giving you opportunities to market directly to them and use them for comparison to other types of customers you have. Customer analytics can also identify those customers who may not be right for your current business model, allowing you to make changes to your strategy in order to capture them, or to understand that they may not be the best fit, foregoing marketing spend on them in favor of better, more valuable clientele. Customer analytics can also predict, based on models created from your best customers, which are most likely to leave and never come back, reducing your wasted time, money, and energy attempting to make customers, that are destined to leave you, happier.

With the right customer analytics tools in place, you can merge your internal and external data to receive true insight into your business, your customer’s perception of you, and the needs you should meet in order to provide the best experience possible to keep them coming back to you again and again.

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