How to Catch Insights and Customers through Data visualization

Evan Zhou
Published in
5 min readNov 11, 2016
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Do you want to be the very best?

Growing up watching Pokémon, I’ve always wanted a Pokédex. Ash would pull out the Pokédex and pull up information about the Pokémon he encountered. Information would include classification of strengths, weakness, and attacks. This allowed Ash to make an informed choice about which Pokémon to send out against wild Pokémon and battle rivals. The information the Pokédex would give him would give him the competitive advantage he needed to win not only the day-to-day random encounters, but also gym battles.

Your real test is catching customers. To please them is your cause. The fundamental core of business is customer acquisition and retention. Providing an outstanding customer experience leads to retention. In order to attract and retain customers, you will want a Pokédex.

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When Professor Oak gave Ash the Pokédex, Ash took little thought of where it came from. Professor Oak invented the Pokédex, but the Pokédex entries were written by Professor Westwood. It is difficult to fathom Professor Westwood traveling across the land, searching far and wide, and conducting the necessary research to understand the power inside each and every Pokémon.

When Pokémon was first released in 1996, there were only 151 Pokémon. For each generation of Pokémon, new entries would be need to be written. Pokémon now has six generations. Currently there are 718 different Pokémon. Unfortunately, the birth rate of customers is greater than the number of new Pokémon released each generation. Each customer is unique and wants their voice to be heard. The wants and needs of consumers is found in unstructured data mediums like social media, consumer reviews, and open-ended survey questions. So, the information is out there, but difficult to analyze due to its textual nature.

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No market researcher would be able to catalog all the wants and needs of every single person to the needs of each specific industry in his/her lifetime. Hypothetically, if some market research firm managed to talk to each potential customer and publish the findings, it would be out of date and not relevant by the time industry could act on it. Who would want to use their Red version Pokédex to play Pokémon X/Y?

The information a Pokédex would provide is much like the insights gathered from a business analytics tool to generate competitive analysis and voice of the consumer reports. With data analytics, the strengths, weakness and promotions of rivals can be analyzed. It can also give you a readout of your own stats to check on customer acquisition and retention. Unlike other data visualization tools, Stratifyd Signals has the ability to quickly process unstructured data. In other words, Stratifyd Signals can do textual analytics, social media analytics, and sentiment analysis so fast that the insights it gathers are actionable.

Seizing your rightful place

Pokémon Go took over the world by storm during the summer this year. At that time, we compared Stratifyd Signals to Arcanine. According to estimates, Pokémon Go now generates $706,298 in revenue each day and the number of daily installs have reached 45,318. In order for Niantic is maintain and grow its share of wallet of consumers, it needs to listen to all of its customers.

Let’s see what insights Stratifyd Signals, an A.I. — powered Next Generation Data Analytics Platform, can deliver for Niantic by using Facebook data.

Pokémon Go Dashboard in Stratifyd Signals Project Nova

Though Stratifyd Signals, questions like “What are my customers talking about?”,” How have my customers reacted to my promotions?”, and” How can I improve my customer’s experience with my product?” can be answered.

Top Buzzwords

Tracking System

The tracking system is the most common buzzword. Previously customers were able to use third party apps to track the locations of rarer Pokémon, but Niantic has closed that loophole. Customers are left unsatisfied because Niantic took something away from them without replacing it with an internal feature. Without a tracking system to determine where Pokémon are, gameplay has become more difficult. Niantic should consider adding the feature of tracking with the next update of Pokémon Go.

Actual Consumer Comment

Speed Cap

The ability to play during long trips was a major selling point of the game. Playing Pokémon Go was the way parents could stop the dreaded “Are we there yet?”, but with speed caps the parents cannot distract their kids with Pokémon Go anymore. Introducing the speed cap has decreased the ability of customers to play the game. The result was the loss of a major selling point. Niantic should consider introducing a travel mode so that this speed cap would not interfere with game play.

Actual Consumer Comment

Halloween Event

Customers loved the Halloween event. It was a great way to excite existing customers about continued game play. Introducing the event generated a lot of positive sentiment and brought new players to the game as well. By looking at the temporal trends, it made a huge impact for fan engagement. On October 10th, there were only 1,000 customers that posted on the Facebook page, but on October 25th there was close to 12,000 posts. Customers loved this promotion and look forward for other events.

Actual Customer Comment

Come with me, the time is right
There’s no better team
Arm in arm we’ll win the fight

It is your destiny to catch ’em all. With a Pokédex-like data visualization tool, Stratifyd Signals, you will not only catch insights, but also customers. See the impact of data visualization on your business. Visit us on for more information. If you would like a self-service trial account, please chat with us or email We’d love to help you catch ’em all.



Evan Zhou

USU graduate with dual majors in marketing and international business, marketing analyst, loves meaningful and thought provoking discussion