Leveling up Analytics in Gaming

Evan Zhou
Published in
5 min readDec 1, 2016
Image Source : http://www.nerdstronggym.com

There are more than 1.2 billion video game players worldwide. It is expected that $91.5 billion will be spent on video games in 2016. With 2017 right around the corner, industry analysts have predicted global revenue for video games will be $107 billion.

With such a large market for video games, competitive market forces demand better game experiences and higher engagement. As a result, there is a clear opportunity for the video game industry to leverage user experience to increase game revenue. Competition in this industry is fierce. In order to provide a better gaming experience and better engage video game players, you will need to level up.

Selecting the tools to Level Up

In game play, stats increase as you gain experience. You are able to buy better weapons and armor, but your enemies gain new abilities and become more numerous. With the constant onslaught of new foes, you have to think carefully how you want your character to change and evolve. To win the game, you will need to outsmart your opponents.

When selecting the proper tool, players consider a number of factors such as weight, material , grip, and length. They also need to know if it is one or two-handed.

Image source https://www.pinterest.com

In the same manner, selecting the right tool for data analysis makes a big difference in business. When selecting a data analytics and visualization tool, important factors include flexibility of visualization, ease of use, analytical capabilities, ease of collaboration, and ease of navigation.

Let’s compare different data visualization tools.

Image source: http://www.stratifyd.com/solutions.html

As the chart points out, Stratifyd Signals has all the features necessary to be an excellent analytics and visualization tool. As the fastest route from data to revenue, Signals will get you ahead in your business.

Use Case:

Using Signals to Gain Insights from customer feedback on BestBuy.com.

Signals has a built-in data connector to Best Buy online reviews, so it is easy and fast to pull and analyze customer comments. We used the data connector to examine two popular video games: Super Smash Brothers and Mario Kart.

Stratified Signals Comparison View of Super Smash Brothers and Mario Kart

Super Smash Brothers

Image source http://www.kidzworld.com

Super Smash Brothers has an average star rating of 4.8 out of 5 with 2,733 reviews. In order to determine how to create a better gaming experience, we can zoom in on the lower star ratings.

Rating Analysis of Super Smash Brothers
Actual Consumer Comment

While Super Smash Brothers is a great fighting game, some players want to see it become something a bit more than having the fastest reaction time. This player (comment below) wants critical thinking and an overall objective. Perhaps Super Smash Brothers could incorporate achievements to be unlocked from game play, such as length of life and surviving during certain conditions. In order to survive these certain conditions, the game developers can make players think critically.

Actual Comment

This gamer calls for simplification and a training option. In order to simplify the game, Nintendo could add a button to enable or disable the stage movements. Besides the basic moves of grab, attack and shield there are multiple moves a character can use in combat situations. Learning how to use special attacks when game play is so fast is difficult. New players struggle to catch up in response time to veteran players. By allowing new players a training option, new players will become more confident when they play against more experienced players.

Mario Kart

Image Source https://www.wired.com

Mario Kart has an average star rating of 4.8 out of 5 with 1,964 reviews. In order to determine how to create a better gaming experience, we can zoom in on the lower star ratings.

Rating Analysis of Mario Kart
Actual Consumer Comment

The best kind of gaming experience is one when the player does not have to worry about the equipment. The loading disk became more important than the game. When consumers are distracted from the reasons why they buy products, they become disillusioned. They do not become repeat consumers. In order to improve the gaming experience of this customer, Nintendo needs to fix the disk loading feature.

Actual Consumer Comment

Once again, the equipment gets in the way of playing the game. When players sit back and play a game, they do not want to worry about battery life and console connection. Players experience a lot of disappointment when they finally enter a boss battle then lose power on their controller. In order to solve this problem, Nintendo can experiment with battery providers to determine which battery will hold its charge the longest and recommend that battery type of its players. By endorsing a certain battery provider, the Nintendo player can have a better experience and gain other benefits from the battery provider.

By using the right Data Analytics tool, video game companies can Level Up their user’s gaming experience, and capture a greater share of this very large market. With the built-in data connector to many popular customer review sites, Signals can analyze and present the data in an easy-to-digest manner. This allows a human analyst the ability to glean insights from the data.

Would you like to see how Stratifyd Signals data analytics solution can help your organization find customer insights? Visit us on http://www.stratifyd.com/ for more information. If you would like a self-service trial account, please chat with us or email webcontact@stratifyd.com. We’d love to work with you!

Would like to check out these dashboards? Here are the links to the Super Smash Brothers and Mario Kart dashboards in Signals.

Did you enjoy this article? Check out our other articles about mobile gaming for Pokémon GO and Plants Versus Zombies .



Evan Zhou

USU graduate with dual majors in marketing and international business, marketing analyst, loves meaningful and thought provoking discussion