Stratifyd Presents Featured Keynote @ Big Data World London 2017

Tim Roberson
Published in
2 min readApr 6, 2017

At the Big Data World Conference in London on March 14–16, Stratifyd was proud to be invited to present a featured keynote address on the volume of data being created today and how technology is growing with it. Our VP of North American Sales, Michael Orefice presented his look at the exponential growth of data and the advances in technology that came from it.

Every second of every day, data grows exponentially larger. 2.5 exabytes of information are created every single day. Given that amount of data, it’s no surprise that companies are spending more on data analytics to process it. $187 billion dollars will be spent in 2017 on Big Data, with 90% of companies still focused on structured data and more than 70% on unstructured. Technology is growing at a pace that’s almost too fast to track. Every second nearly 29,000 GB of data is created across thousands of interactions online. Everything from Google searches to Amazon purchases, Tweets and Facebook posts, as well as streams on Netflix contribute to this overwhelming tide of information.

As a big data analytics company, Stratifyd believes that as the volume of data gets larger, the ability to quickly and accurately analyze that data becomes more important. We rely on unsupervised machine learning and artificial intelligence through our data analytics platform to provide fast time to insight for our clients. The more data we gather, the more power we have to understand the challenges and needs of our clients. The more information we process, the more we learn about their customers and their products. We welcome the coming tide of data and are prepared to leverage that ocean of information for the betterment of our clients.

Originally published at

