Dota 2 Aghanim’s Labyrinth Stats

Everything you need to conquer every difficulty

5 min readJul 25, 2020


It’s hard to believe that the summer event has only been around for 11 days. In that time, the STRATZ team has crafted a comprehensive set of resources to help you overcome any challenge the Grand Mage might throw your way. Last week, we unveiled the Aghanim’s Labyrinth Leaderboard and Match Scoreboard. But that was only the beginning, and today we’re giving you the whole package 💝.

The complete STRATZ experience for Aghanim’s Labyrinth now includes the addition of a complete Matches Page for each player, a Compositions Builder and Leaderboard to find the best comps in the current meta, a Rooms Overview page along with Modifier stats, enhancements to the Match Scoreboard page from last Friday, and a connected Hero Builds page for each match. With about 8 more weeks of Labyrinth runs in your future, we’re thrilled to offer you so much insight into this new game mode.

The Match Scoreboard that we released last Friday is the only way to review your Labyrinth match outside of Dota 2. The few missing features and bugs that were found over the weekend were readily squashed, giving full feature parity with the Scoreboard found in-game. More recently, we added the unique ability to open a player’s Labyrinth Match history for review, by clicking their name in any match.

Whether you want to study the Aghanim’s Trial runthroughs from the top teams, or just want a place to reflect on your own performances, your new Aghanim’s Labyrinth Matches page is the perfect place to go. This is the only resource available to compare primary stats across your entire Labyrinth history on a single page. This can also be useful for finding your sweet spot for fragment farming in the coming weeks 💰💰.

Curious about how your favorite team composition fares against the other 494 combinations out there? Put your mind at ease with your new Composition Builder, which delivers the rank, match count, win rate, and average duration for every team composition available in every difficulty.

Just below the Builder lies the Composition Leaderboard, highlighting all the [average] fastest and winningest lineups from around the world. Here, you can easily identify the Labyrinth meta in each difficulty, and experiment with some niche winning lineups. These stats update every 12 hours, and only include stats from the last 3 days, so check in often to see how the meta is changing!

One of the several critical missing pieces of information regarding how best to battle your way through the Labyrinth are hero builds. Thankfully, we’ve got you covered! Our release today includes exclusive access to the item loadout of every hero in each of your matches, alongside their Scepter Shard selection. This even includes the Shards that each player chose not to select, giving an even deeper insight into decision making throughout your Labyrinth journey.

Last but not least, we’ve just released both the new Labyrinth Rooms page, and the Room Modifiers page. The Rooms page lets you easily assess room selection at each depth to determine the balance between global pick rate, win rate, and hero death rates. Each combat room allows you to toggle between Normal and Elite modes, updating the stats accordingly. You can use this page while you play to help maximize your probability of success.

The Room Modifiers page provides a description of every room modifier at each difficulty, along with the corresponding average success rate and death rate when that modifier is active on a room. Again, you can toggle between Normal and Elite combat rooms, this time across the entire page at once.

We’ll be actively monitoring community demand for Aghanim’s Labyrinth to see if any addition resources are worth investing in, but for now we think this suite of tools should be more than enough to power your efforts this summer. Let us know what you think on Discord!

We’ve been doing a lot of teasing these past couple weeks regarding pending updates to STRATZ AI, and while we’re not quite ready to let the details fall into your hands, things are looking good for a very near-future mega-update to STRATZ AI, along with how those changes will impact your STRATZ+ experience. We had a major breakthrough today that has been in the works for a long time, and we’re excited to share. Stay tuned!

Enjoy keeping up with what’s happening at STRATZ? Follow us on Medium, Twitter, or Facebook to get a new Supdate every Friday! If you want to get more involved, join us on Discord!

