Introducing Your Dashboard

A new staging ground for your next win

5 min readJan 18, 2020


STRATZ has always been working to create a unique, personal experience for competitive DOTA 2 players. We strive to offer an environment where patterns in complex data become easy to pinpoint, and where those patterns revolve around you.

Every user of should feel like their experience is packaged specifically for them, and that the content on their screen understands their individual goals and interests.

Today, we bring you a first look at our next step in fulfilling that vision — your new Dashboard.

That new car smell🌲

The new STRATZ Dashboard, live on, is a compilation of insights into a wide range of the DOTA 2 universe. It’s the staging point from which you’ll be able to get quick updates about your best performances, favorite players, the current meta, and much more.

Each Card found on the Dashboard is dynamic in nature. Once logged in, the interface will instantly update to reflect content related to your unique play style, decisions, and outcomes in-game. If you haven’t shared your match data yet, the Dashboard gives you a compelling new reason to click that strangely obscure checkbox in your DOTA 2 settings…

Wink Wink, Nudge Nudge 😉

Our team came together and worked hard to ensure that we could share this with you this week, with especially significant efforts from Carceri, Keo, and Blukai. There’s still plenty of work to be done, along with some exciting new features that we chose not to activate with this first preview.

You can expect improvements to your Dashboard to be pushed out next week, and some really cool, surprising new additions. We’ll share more about this soon — stay tuned!

Another jumbo pair of announcements that were leaked this week include some serious changes to our Individual Match Performance (IMP) calculations.

Did you know that 70% of all DOTA 2 matches played in the world are Turbo?

First, STRATZ now officially supports a brand new Turbo IMP! There’s a lot of you out there looking for a quick fix of DOTA 2, and you can now relish your dominance with some shiny new match awards and a way to gauge your performance (super high, obviously) against the rest of the Turbo community.

STRATZ Match Awards are getting buffed 🎨

Second, we’ve talked about IMP for a long time, and a while back we promised to give a closer look behind the scenes at what the building blocks of this incredible little number means. Well, it’s been a long time in the making, and Ken has finally announced the release of a set of new IMP networks, providing a staggering amount of data behind our most coveted performance metric.

In fact, we might as well be calling it IMP 2.0 (hey, great idea!), because the calculation and data powering it has been completely refreshed. And in just two short weeks, while Phy is BBQing(🌴☀️) himself in the Jamaican highlands, Ken will be taking over for Supdate 14 to give you all a State Of The STRATZ address on the status of our in-house neural networks.

No seriously, about 70% of all current matches are Turbo.

Now…it wouldn’t be a proper Supdate 12 if we didn’t reach into our back pocket and give you a peek at what’s been brewing in Fantôme’s kitchen. On second thought, back pockets probably aren’t the best place for brewed things 🤔. Anyways, here’s another one of your new tables!

Behold! Your ultimate item builds analyzer! 🎊

Introducing your new Item Builds table! While keeping the overall layout consistent with the previous 3 views we’ve shown, this table will offer an awesome new way (err, rather the only way, anywhere) to compare your build order and timing across any range of matches that your heart desires.

Above the table, there are two sliders that will allow you to update both the match time reference, and the segment of the match, that you’re interested in. Broken into 30 minute chunks, you’ll be able to gracefully pan through your matches, comparing any 30 minute interval available within the range of matches you’re viewing.

Using the match time slider (on top), you can update your current active inventory (on left) across matches. As you inch the slider forward, items that were purchased within the specified duration will be highlighted in your match rows, allowing for very detailed comparisons of similar build timings.

On the left side of the timeline, you’ll notice a collection of items being presented in a new way. This is how we’ll display multiple item purchases that were made at the same time, with a hover to reveal the full purchase.

On the right side you’ll notice something that discerning readers will have noticed last week — a tag filled with an ellipsis. This marks a hover (or touch) area that will unveil secondary stats related to your match, including things like average player rank, faction, lobby type, and more.

Think you’ve got what it takes to join the STRATZ team? We’re hiring!

Enjoy keeping up with what’s happening at STRATZ? Follow us on Medium, Twitter, or Facebook to get a new Supdate every Friday! If you want to get more involved, join us on Discord!

Did you miss our Supdate last Friday? Check out our official Match Overview unveiling!

…click that strangely obscure checkbox in your DOTA 2 settings.

See you next Friday!

Eric Phy

