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Plus live updates for your TI 11 predictions

3 min readOct 22, 2022


The International has returned! Most years, our team would be scrambling around the arena taking in the action first hand, though unfortunately the challenges associated with our attendance caused us to watch remotely this time around. This breaks the STRATZ streak of attending every other attend-able TI in the last 6 years, though we look forward to being on the scene again for all the festivities in 2023!

Still, this is always a special time of year, and we always try to bring something new to everybody to help celebrate the occasion. With no unique game modes going out just yet, we decided to create pages to help you with your Battle Pass predictions, which we shared at the start of last week. We had some fun with these, and created a set of data-driven predictions to see how reliably pre-TI trends could be used for predictions at the Main Event.

As you may also already know, we’ve been tracking Battle Pass purchasing patterns in some fun ways, which we introduced two weeks ago.

Today, we’re adding the final piece to your Battle Pass Prediction toolkit with the release of your new Predictions Tracker!

Gyrocopter is leading 3 of the 10 hero categories so far!

Your new Predictions Tracker does exactly what you’d expect — it pulls data from all the group stage and main event matches played so far, and shows how each hero, team, player, and tournament category currently stands.

Take a look to find out how your picks are holding up!

Enigma is currently 17 bans above the 2nd place hero, Marci.

Next up, to get started moving towards some improvements for your overall Leagues experience on STRATZ, we’ve just released your new Leagues Overview page!

TI isn’t the only pro league going on right now!

League metadata has been a real challenge to retrieve for all of Dota’s existence. This has significantly improved in some ways since the introduction of the DOTA Pro Circuit (DPC) began, but unfortunately many league organizers still don’t release information about their events, like schedules, prize pools, attendees, and more. The challenges associated with up-keeping this data has meant that it could only be done with enormous individual effort by contributors who are willing to manually review the [often scarce] league data from other sources, and display it in community wikis or tournament-run websites.

With today’s release of your new Leagues Overview page, we’ve begun to build the path towards more reliable and comprehensive league support for STRATZ. Now, you can much more easily see information relating to all currently ongoing and upcoming leagues from every level of competition from DPC-sponsored events down to local amateur events. You can also review results from a large number of recently completed leagues from each tier.

Data is still a challenge to gather for many of these tournaments, but we have plans in place to tackle this. We also have some groundbreaking new features that are some of the most exciting we’ve ever teased before, and which we think competitive and casual players alike will really love!

For now, we hope you enjoy your expanding STRATZ league experiences, and we look forward to sharing what else is on the table a little later on!

Enjoy keeping up with what’s happening at STRATZ? Follow us on Medium, Twitter, or Facebook to get notifications of our latest Supdates! If you want to get more involved, join us on Discord!


Did you miss our last Supdate? Look back at the Battle Pass Update Part 2!

Thanks for reading!

Eric Phy

