Structural Breakdown

And a closer look at how you failed to defend your Ancient

4 min readNov 26, 2022


Liquid Fire > T1 Mid

Just defend the Ancient, they said. It’ll be easy, they said.

Almighty, then!

For most of us, we successfully defend our Ancient just about 50% of the time. For each percentage point above 50 that you achieve, you’re rewarded handsomely with increasingly elaborate rank medals, and increasingly improved odds that you’ll shift back down to successfully defending your Ancient 50% of the time.

It can be a harsh road at times…especially if you don’t have a map to guide you. Well, wary traveler, despair no more! Starting today, you can traverse across both time and space, scoping out each and every click, tap, crash, and boom that made your and your opponents’ objectives fall!

Introducing your new Match Objectives page! You see, while it’s all well and good to get a quick glance at each players’ building damage after your matches, the details of what befell your mighty fortifications has always been largely hidden away in your replay files, requiring significant time and storage space to evaluate their fates properly. Let’s take a look at how your new match page makes the review process for objectives so much easier!

Take it from the top

The first insights you’ll discover when you load up your new page are breakdowns of the types of damage and total damage dealt by each hero, team, and both factions’ lane creep. Heroes are sorted by faction (left-right) and position (top-bottom), with the lane creep contributions underneath the heroes. The bottom row of each table shows each faction’s totals for each damage type.

To keep things both straightforward and concise, we grouped building damage types into 4 categories: Right Clicks, Abilities, Items, and Controlled Units. Only damage types that were used during the match are highlighted for each hero. Some matches will include diverse damage types with more sophisticated breakdowns, while others will largely involve nothing more than each players judicious use of their middle finger to click down objectives. 🖱

In the example above, 4.2k of Nature’s Prophet’s 10.1k building damage was dealt by his Treants.

Click the tower, do it

Just underneath your overview tables, you’ll find an objective-focused minimap with instructions to click any objectives for detailed stats. Let’s see what happens when we listen to the instructions…


Not one hero touched the Dire mid tower! The Radiant lane creeps smacked it a few times, but ultimately, that tower stood in proud defiance the entire match. Let’s see happens when we click on a somewhat less fortunate objective…

Those darn creeps always get the last hit…

Wow; not only was the Radiant Ancient destroyed in less than 26 minutes, but it also managed to take damage from every single Dire hero before it fell. Naturally however, a lane creep delivered the fatal blow.

To see the distribution of damage types dealt by any hero, click the + expand button on right right side of the hero row, as I did above with Bounty Hunter. Here you can see that the damage he dealt to the Ancient was split between right clicks and his Meteor Hammer.

But there’s more…

The complete picture

Just underneath your interactive minimap and hero breakdowns, you’ll find the final pieces of your new page — the complete objectives status table and a slider for match duration!

Psst, the slider is sticky to the bottom of your screen, and can be used to update any data on the page.

Your objectives table shows the status of all of each team’s objectives, and works seamlessly with the slider to be able to smoothly recount exactly how the carnage went down. This table is interactive in the same way as the minimap is — click on any objective to highlight it on the map and you’ll see a detailed breakdown of the damage it received.

As ever, several additional fixes and improvements went out this week, including a significant performance boost [and a fix] to Players World Leaderboards, and several fixes to your recently released Match Abilities page.

And of course, we’re getting ready to share several more new updates…see you soon!

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Thanks for reading!

Eric Phy

