The Best Off Lane Heroes in Patch 7.34d

Strongest offlaners in the current meta and The International 12

4 min readOct 14, 2023


As we approach the end of the Group Stage for The International 2023, the meta continues to develop, but not with too many surprises.

We already predicted the best carry and best support heroes that we’d expect to see at the event, and were pretty much on the mark (if we do say so ourselves).

So, what about off lane heroes? Well, here’s our list…


Kunkka is an absolute menace to deal with in pubs, thanks to his incredible toolkit and versatility.

He is one of the top-5 most banned heroes in the TI Group Stage so far, and for good reason. His Aghanim’s Shard and Aghanim’s Scepter upgrades make it extremely difficult to engage in a team fight against him.

Kunkka is also fairly tanky, making him an effective frontliner and initiator, and plays well both as a mid-laner and off-laner.

Notable Kunkka players at TI 2023:

Vivo Keyd Stars Fcr
Quest Tobi
Shopify RebellionSaberlight


First, she wins lanes. Second, she has a global presence. Third, she deals tons of damage. What more do you need?

Dawnbreaker was nerfed multiple times in the past couple of patches, but that still wasn’t enough to drop her below an astounding 60% win rate in Divine and Immortal pubs.

The buff to her ultimate Solar Guardian which now pierces debuff immunity made her an even more formidable teamfight hero, completely countering heroes like Enigma.

Notable Dawnbreaker players at TI 2023:

Shopify RebellionSaberlight
beastcoast Sacred

Spirit Breaker

Spirit Breaker has been charging in and out of the meta for what feels like at least half of the year.

He may have been nerfed now and then, but his current 56.3% in high-rank pubs proves he’s more than just good. He is also one of the most picked and banned heroes in the TI Group Stage so far.

His build is simple. You buy Yasha & Kaya. Then you buy Octarine Core. And then Aghanim’s Scepter. Then you charge around the map, wreaking havoc. When you’re not catching heroes off-guard and getting kills, you’re split-pushing like crazy that no one can keep up with.

Notable Spirit Breaker players at TI 2023:

9Pandas Miero


He has a 62.5% win rate as one of the top-picked heroes in the Divine and Immortal ranks. Need we say more?

The key change to Bristleback was a rework to his Aghanim’s Scepter upgrade that allows him to deal a huge burst of damage with an active on his Bristleback ability.

All changes following that have also been buffs, surprisingly. The result is the 2nd most-picked hero and top-10 most banned hero at TI so far. Will IceFrog release an emergency patch to nerf his hero? (probably not)

Notable Bristleback players at TI 2023:

Evil Geniuses Wisper
Team SpiritCollapse


Brewmaster’s passive ability Drunken Brawler could go over anybody’s head. But maybe in all that confusion, this hero has managed to sneak any major nerfs and still remain relevant in the meta.

His 49.1% win rate may not seem great, but if you’re good at micro, you should pick this hero!

This hero’s main strength is in Cinder Brew, which is awfully annoying to deal with in lane and makes him almost unkillable. That might be one of the reasons why he’s one of the top-5 most banned heroes at TI so far!

Notable Brewmaster players at TI 2023:

Vivo Keyd Stars Fcr
Quest Tobi
Azure Ray Chalice

What kind of an off lane player are you? Do you like the micro-intensive nature of Brewmaster that allows you to style on your enemies or do you prefer just spamming W on Bristleback and winning the game?

Stay tuned for more TI-related articles!

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Did you miss our last blog post? Check out the best support heroes in patch 7.34d!

Thanks for reading!


