World Leaderboards

Now with filters and followers

2 min readAug 27, 2022


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Valve has provided a basic world leaderboard for ranked immortal players, split up by region, for years. It’s great for seeing who the top players are, and includes country data for some players. However, we’ve felt that it could use some extra features stacked onto it for some time.

Our previous leaderboards attempted to show several stats to give more insights into top players, but unfortunately it left a lot to be desired, since many top players don’t expose their public match history. Today, we’ve released a simpler, yet more functional, set of World Leaderboards for you!

Your new World Leaderboards allow you to use filters to easily answer some questions that were previous very difficult to track down. For example, who’s the highest rated hard support in China? The answer is Lww from Team Saiyan — currently ranked #5 overall in China! Who’s the top ranked UK player in Europe? It’s Ari (#41) from Into The Breach! There’s lots of fun data to be found — try it yourself!

Note: The position filter only works for players that expose their public match history. Since some players toggle this setting off and on, you may find some of the data available sporadically.

Another new thing you can do with your leaderboards is use them to follow players’ ratings across all leaderboards, and to find new players to follow! Your new Leaderboards pages show the current rating of any players that you follow.

If you’re not familiar with the STRATZ follow system, it’s been around for awhile, and allows you to get detailed daily, weekly, and/or monthly emails which summarize your friends’ and favorite players’ performance during that period of time. You can also see some of their highlights as they occur, using the heart button on the top right of the website’s app bar to open you a list of your followees’ top recent events.

Pro tip: Login to start following players!

Last but not least, we added something fun to the country filter. If you open it, you’ll see the total count of players in each country, in descending order. This effectively serves as a mini country leaderboard, letting you see how many players [who have a country listed with their Steam account] have earned a place on each leaderboard!

We plan to add mini-leaderboards to the Team and Position filters a little later.

We hope you love your new leaderboard system, and can’t wait to share with you what’s coming next!

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See you soon!

Eric Phy

