Your Perfect Match

New Cards, new List, new Mobile views, and more to come!

5 min readMay 28, 2022


Admit it. You’ve played thousands of matches of Dota. And you won [almost] all of them.

After each win, you face your next challenge: waiting in the queue. Oh, it can be daunting. It’s a task that requires more patience than when you call “Zeus Ult!” to a muted ally. Thankfully, there’s a good option available to you — going to your STRATZ profile and checking in on your glorious stats!

This is a workflow that many of us share. It’s also one that can be a bit overbearing, as there are just so many stats! Which ones are most important? Which ones most clearly articulate your dominance? The chore of this process cannot be understated, and fortunately for us, our community has stated it. Today, we take our next big step towards helping you quickly find which stats are the most important from each of your matches.

Introducing the first in a set of updates to your Match Overview pages! This update is made to feel familiar, while setting the stage for customization, many more stats, and great performance.

A worthy deck

The Card view has stood as the landing page for your matches for years. It was originally inspired by Valve’s in-game post-match screen, and we added extra stats to that familiar interface, providing more information than can be found in the client.

Today’s update has dramatically reduced the height of your cards and touches up some of the finer details. The previous cards stood at 371px tall; the new ones have been tuned down to just 254px, without removing any stats!

6 feet 2 in a compact

The reason this change is important is because todays release, as we said, is just the first part of a major update to your Match Overviews. There’s a lot more stats incoming, and we want you to be able to see as much of it as possible with as little scrolling as possible.

Clicking each card works the same as before, though that view has gotten a significant buff!

More for less?!

Just like in Dota, you can click on any hero card to expand it out to check out some more information about the hero. Today we’ve updated this view, significantly reducing its height, and yet managing to add two new stats! First, you’ll now have access to the hero’s lane outcome. Second, if the player has both a public profile and Dota+, and the hero they played has a Dota+ level of 11 or higher, you will see that Dota+ level shown.

The remaining stats are the same as before, but have been reorganized to provide improved glance value.

But that’s not all — check out what we’ve done to your new mobile views!

So. Much. Better.

You’ve probably never played Dota on your phone…since you can’t and all. But you can check out your stats on your phone, and beginning today, you can do it way more easily on STRATZ! Mobile is never our top priority, but we’re happy to give it some extra love whenever possible.

You’ll also find some small updates to search on mobile today…still more to come there later!

Finally, you’ll notice that your Time Slider is now located at the bottom of your screen, remaining in a fixed position above the interface as you scroll. We’ve moved it there to bring even more content above the fold, but there’s also something else new about it. It’s super fast!

“above the fold” is just nerd-speak for things that are visible on your screen before you scroll

With so much new content coming to this page and others, Blukai decided the time to rebuild the engine behind your interface Sliders has come! The result of this is that the slider bar has been completely rebuilt, miraculously allowing for silky smooth updates across the entire page! This will be even more valuable as the page fills with new stats in the coming weeks.

Sometimes you just want it all

For some time now, we’ve heard from users that they benefit more from the Match Scoreboard page than they do from the Overview. While this hasn’t been the majority, we heard you and decided that it’s time to make your wishs come true!

Beginning now, you can choose from two default views for your Match Overview pages — the Card view, as you’ve seen and are used to, and the all new List view, seen above! You can switch between the two by clicking the toggle button in the top right of the section, and STRATZ will [attempt to] remember which one you used most recently (looking at you, super secret browser blocker users).

Your new List view takes much of what can be seen on the Scoreboard page and brings it front and center. We also moved both teams’ totals to the bottom of the section for super easy number comparison. We hope you love it.

Enjoy keeping up with what’s happening at STRATZ? Follow us on Medium, Twitter, or Facebook to get notifications of our latest Supdates! If you want to get more involved, join us on Discord!

Did you miss our last Supdate? Take a look at the new Team >Players page!

See you soon!

Eric Phy

