Your Perfect Match — Pt. 2 (Ep. 2)

‘Cause why on Earth would we make a 3?

5 min readJun 10, 2022


More more more!

Welcome back to some more hot Match Overview action! We’re extremely close to the finish line on this page, with all but one piece in place. Let’s take a look!

Easy to see, easy to find

When you have hundreds of stats on the screen at the same time, each with varying degrees of importance depending on the user, situation, hardware, etc, it can be very difficult to find just the right way to display each of those stats in a way that feels just right.

One type of stats that we’ve been trying to figure out just the right way to display over the last couple years are those that are relevant to every page within an area of the site (e.g. a match), and will never be affected by a filter. Internally, we refer to stats of this type as “Summary Row Items”. Perhaps unexpectedly, this has been a tricky nut to crack.

Today, the latest and greatest in Summary Row technology has been unveiled — one that extends naturally down as part of the Page Header, and remains static regardless of which page or subpage you’re on or which filters are set. Each Item in the new Summary Row contains a complimentary icon or graphic, and sometimes contains interactions. For example, on the match page, when you hover over the match id, you’ll see a background emerge behind it while your cursor changes to a pointer. When you click it, you’ll be notified that the id has been copied to your clipboard, and the icon changes into a green checkmark.

The details of the match have been carefully separated, while pairing things that go together, like game mode with lobby type, and date with time. We’ve also added a new stat — the match rank, which shows the average medal and star count from the players’ ranks in the match.

Along with the Summary Row updates, the winning team is now more prominently displayed in the Page Header!

We’ll be adding new Summary Rows to a few other areas of the site in one of our upcoming releases.

Quick access to every players’ builds

Next up, we’re thrilled to release an entirely new way to get an overview of each players’ item and ability builds! Each heroes’ card contains the x-x-x initial build order for advanced users, the first 10 abilities that were invested in, the full talent tree and attribute points, all significant items with the time they were purchased, and all support items with the total number purchased of each.

All ten players’ builds are displayed at once, with radiant players on the left and dire on the right. The players are sorted by position from top to bottom, allowing for easy build comparisons. Clicking on any card will take you to the Focus (Guide) page, filtered to the hero you clicked.

Of course, just like almost all content on the page, the data in each card updates beautifully as you move the Slider Bar at the bottom of the page — including all the details of the talent trees!

Blukai again dove into the nitty gritty of Match Overview and managed to add additional performance optimizations to make everything update flawlessly when you use the slider bar at the bottom of the page!

All the king’s heroes and all the king’s dead

Finally, the bottom of your Match Overview page now shows two tables side-by-side, breaking down each teams’ and players’ kills. Hovering over any of the active cells will reveal the total gold and experience earned by that player from killing that hero. And just like usual, the radiant team is on the left and the dire team on the right, with players sorted by position from top to bottom.

In addition to the new content this week, we also were able to merge a small number of new translations for various languages including Thai, Chinese, Swedish, and Spanish. These were submitted some time ago by some of our fabulous translation contributors, but were delayed due to old quirks in the utility we use for managing localization inputs.

Note: we’re aware that Українська (Ukrainian) is listed all the way at the bottom of the language options — we’re sorry for the delay in fixing this bug and will place it alongside the other fully supported languages next week!

And of course, with the release of patch 7.31d, we’ve made some updates to the backend to support the required changes. We’ve also tracked down why the new patch prevented STRATZ+ from properly detecting when a new draft begins, and will release a fix shortly.

Also, while we were planning to release new STRATZ AI models this week, we’ve decided to restart the training process and will release the results later next week so that everything is adjusted for the new patch.

Enjoy keeping up with what’s happening at STRATZ? Follow us on Medium, Twitter, or Facebook to get notifications of our latest Supdates! If you want to get more involved, join us on Discord!

Did you miss our last Supdate? Check out Part 2 of the Match Overview Saga!

See you soon!

Eric Phy

