iOS Training Log — Drawing striped overlays onto a bubble visualization

Matt Robinson
Published in
5 min readJul 2, 2020

Bubble Definition/Background

Strava recently shipped the (previously web & Android only) Training Log to iOS devices, which represents the athlete’s previous activities using bubbles.

A “bubble”, in the context of this post, shows the accumulated volume of some activity dimension (distance, time, etc.) for a given day. This will add up the athlete’s chosen dimension for all activities on a particular day and translate that to a percentage. This percentage is piped into a scaling algorithm to determine the ideal bubble size.

After sizing, athlete-selected filters and activity tags can alter the bubble’s appearance or add a visual adornment on top of the bubble’s view. For the purposes of this post, let’s focus on the “workout” tag that can be applied an activity. This will create a bubble with a striped overlay.

Bubble with a sideways striped overlay

How to Draw a Bubble

This is the simplest part of the bubble view’s drawing since we can heavily lean on UIKit to do most of the heavy lifting. First off, we’ll create a subclass of UIView to be the bubble visualization.

This subclass will override the draw(rect:) method to create a simple circle in the current context. To make our code more readable, let’s create a function in an extension to BubbleView to handle drawing the bubble and call it from the draw(rect:) implementation.

  1. Capture the current context.
  2. Set the fill of the context to the provided color (.orange in this case) which will be used in the next operation.
  3. Fill an ellipse (which will end up as a circle if the view has a 1:1 aspect ratio) with the previously set color.
Just a circle.

Easy enough thanks mostly to UIKit. Let’s move on to the striped overlay now.

Draw Stripes Over the Bubble at a 45° Angle

We could calculate the start/end points of all the stripes using various geometry tricks but that’s difficult. Instead, let’s explore an easier way by once again leaning on UIKit for the heavy lifting. To set up the scaffolding, let’s add to the extension to BubbleView that allows an instance to easily draw this overlay and call it from our original draw(rect:) implementation.

Notice the call to drawStripes(in:stripeColor:stripeWidth:) is after the call to drawBubble(in:bubbleColor:). This is because each context-based drawing operation is stacked on the previous and we’d like the bubble to be beneath the overlay.

Next, we’ll move into the stripe drawing function and fill in some sizing code. This will be explained a bit more later.

This code snippet takes advantage of CGContext.translateBy(x:,y:) and CGContext.rotate(by:) to drastically simplify our drawing code. But first, let’s visualize the context’s current coordinate system. The blue grid represents the context’s theoretical bounds and the darker blue dot represents the context’s origin.

Circle with a reference grid.

By translating the context downward, we can get the origin closer to where we want to begin drawing the stripes.

The resulting coordinate system has now been shifted such that the origin is at the bottom of the previous grid. The shifted coordinate system for the context is represented in the new green grid.

Circle with translated reference grid.

After this translation, we now need to rotate the context so that drawing a straight line on it will be at a 45° angle to our original context position. This is done by rotating the context around the origin (top-left) of the user coordinate system. This takes into account all previous coordinate mutations, which is just a translation in our case.

The resulting coordinate system has been rotated 45° around the previous green origin. The new red user coordinate system has replaced the green coordinate system and is the current drawing coordinate system visualized. The original blue grid still remains as a visual reference for illustration purposes.

Circle with translated + rotated reference grid.

At this point, the red dot on the red grid illustrates position (0,0) or the origin. The x direction extends away from it upward on the 45° line while the y direction extends downward on the opposing 45° line. Before we are able to begin drawing the stripes in our new user coordinate space, we first need to ensure they are styled correctly.

So, to draw the middle strip at this point, we use maxPathLength (our previous calculation for stripe length) for the length and draw it from our origin.

This will stroke a stripe centered on the x-axis of the previously defined width (stripeWidth).

Circle with line drawn on top of adjusted reference grid.

This initial stripe has no mirror since it occurs on the x-axis or center of the circle. All the other stripes have stripes mirrored over the x-axis, which is centered beneath the initial stripe above.

We can iterate over the entire width of our bubble drawing these mirrored stripes on each pass until we reach, or exceed, the edge of the bubble.

This results in a series of stripes above and below (in the user coordinate space) our initial center stripe.

Circle with stripes drawn from corner to corner of original reference grid.

To make it easier to grasp what we currently have in our context without the grids, let’s remove them.

Same circle as before with reference grids removed.

This is close to what we are trying to accomplish except for the fact that the stripes extend past the edges of the bubble. To easily solve this problem, we need to use the bubble’s radius to apply a clip to the context before we start drawing any of the stripes and before we mutate the user coordinate space.

This clip path, when applied to the context before the drawing, will clip all of the stripes that extend past the edge of the bubble.

Final circle with stripes now clipped.

And there we have it, an easy way to draw lots of stripes at odd angles without having to do geometry calculations other than converting the degree measurements to radians. :P

Final Code

