We Have Liftoff

Matt Strayer
Stray Photography
Published in
3 min readOct 26, 2018

In 1957, my grandpa, Paul Riedel, started his 35 year career as a photographer for NASA. The man took a very intentional and methodical approach to life, which bled into his work behind the camera lens. I can remember family gatherings where we’d all spend hours posing for Paul, as he dialed-in on his perfect shot. That was the reality of being the consummate photographer, something I didn’t appreciate then and have only begun to understand now. In his day, even for those simple shots, he had to do a lot more than setting his camera to auto and firing away. He had to command the perfect picture out of his surroundings and equipment… and find out later in the dark room if he succeeded or not. It took time, patience, and skill to put together the perfect shot.

NASA/Paul Riedel/Al Lukas

Today, just like the astronauts he brushed shoulders with, I begin my journey into the unknown — albeit a far less dangerous one. I’m armed with a better computer in my Canon than his comrades had on the moon. Couple that sweet tech with some Paul-genes (that hopefully made their way down to me), and Stray Photography might just exit the stratosphere. 🚀

Why Stray?

Stray (verb): to deviate from the direct course, leave the proper place, or go beyond the proper limits, especially without a fixed course or purpose; ramble.

I’ve always felt a strong connection between my life and my last name, Strayer. As a textbook introvert, I found “the path” too congested, so I took to finding alternative routes. I attribute a vast majority of my career trajectory not to my education, but rather to the time I spent away from school. During my sophomore year of college, I took a leave of absence to start a company with AJ Mihalic. We called it Widdle. Even though we ultimately closed the doors on that venture, it started both of us down new paths. Aj didn’t go back to school, he threw everything he had into furthering his career goals which ultimately landed him in The Bay area. I finished my Business degree, admittedly begrudgingly, at Case Western. Aj is now a Product Designer at Copper in San Francisco and I’m a Full Stack Engineer at SAS in Cary, NC.

Simply because we strayed.

Life is fullest when you chart your own course. You discover more about yourself when you’re left to piece together solutions, rather than accept predefined ones. Every day we have choices to make. Be thoughtful in those choices and challenge yourself to not take the easy way, you’ll be better for it.

Stray Photography is a fusion binding two of my passions: Photography & Business. This shop has been hand-crafted and set up in order to tell my story the best way I know how: through the lens of my camera. Stray Photography lets you experience life from afar, it encourages you to travel, and most importantly, it inspires you all the while to stray.

Each Stray Photograph is marked with the latitude and longitude of the scene. So that if you ever want to have the pictured experience, you can.

In the coming weeks I’ll be adding products into the store, but for now you can swing by and grab a free iPhone wallpaper!



Matt Strayer
Stray Photography

I like semi-colons and curly braces. Cycling. Coding. Business.