Call Logs, Tasks, and Meeting Notes at Scale Part 2

Continued from Part 1

Andrew Stewart


In part 1 of our post about using Tasks and Call Logs, we demonstrated creating Saved Views based on the many new Magic Columns we offer. In part 2, we’ll give 3 examples of how to layer additional features of Streak on top of Saved Views. We gave a full intro in the first post, so if you’re feeling at all lost, please reference the previous introduction for a full setup.

Without further ado, here are a few ways our power users create complete processes by combining Streak features:

1. You manage a team of sales people. You want to see, on average, how much phone time it takes to move a deal from ‘Lead’ all the way to ‘Closed Won’. Add the ‘Call Log Duration’ to your pipeline, and then bring up the Summary feature:

In this case, we want to know the mean average of time on the phone it takes to reach the “Closed Won” stage. We selected ‘average’ and were automatically given these results:

The total average time for boxes in the closed won stage is 22 minutes, 56 seconds. We don’t have a very large sample size here, but the initial data implies each sale will consume roughly 30 minutes of phone time with a sales person.

2. You manage a Support Team, and want to know how many days pass between reaching the customer on the phone and the issue being moved to the ‘Resolved’ stage.

First, we need to add a total of 3 columns: “Date of Last Stage Change,” “Date of First Call”, and a ‘Formula’ column. Then, we’ll use the following formula to compare the timestamp of ‘Date of the First Call’ and the ‘Date of the Last Stage Change’:

Which will return us the following results:

In the above example we’re counting the number of days between the dates in the two columns. Note we can also do the same for the number of hours. For easy reference, the example above is:

= Streak.dayDifference($’Date of First Call’, $’Date of Last Stage Change’)

If you’re unfamiliar with our Formula columns:

  • Formula reference on the blog.
  • Our in-app help has examples and a reference (click the Streak icon in the top right of Gmail, and then ‘help’).
  • For the do-it-yourself-with-Google types, Streak formulas run on Javascript.

3. As part of your Sales process, you want to send everyone a quick note thanking them for their time after each call. Put together a quick Saved View:

Run your Mail Merge (reference) to send a personal note as follow up!

The above represents a few ways you can begin to touch on all of Streak’s features in setting up your process. It is not, however, an all inclusive list. Rather than show you every possible combination, our goal is to inspire you to get creative with all of the new toys available to you. We’d love to see what you build!

As always, we’d be happy to help you think through all of the features we’ve touched on in this blog.

