Streak University lesson cover image titled “Add contacts and organizations and share emails automatically”

New video lesson: add contacts and organizations, automatically add emails

Brita Ulf


Do you get tired of manually adding emails to your CRM and reminding your team to share theirs? We sure do, but Streak solves this problem with automatic email sharing.

The first step to enabling this feature is adding contacts and organizations to our boxes. Once they’re added, you can build a complete timeline of their interactions with your entire team — automatically.

In this new Streak University lesson, you’ll:

  • See how automatic email sharing works
  • Learn how to keep certain emails private
  • Explore each way to add contacts and organizations to your boxes

Need a refresher on how Streak helps you manage contacts and organizations? There’s a video for that!

We’re adding new lessons frequently — let us know what you’d like to learn about next!

