Reply to your team’s shared emails

Brita Ulf
Published in
2 min readJan 23, 2020


Streak has always let you view your teammate’s shared emails, even if you weren’t included on the email thread. Today we’re launching the ability to reply to those emails as well.

Seamless handoffs and collaboration

Replying to your team’s shared emails makes it possible for you to join conversations and share responsibilities without starting a new thread or waiting to be introduced.

How do Streakers use this feature?

  1. Handoffs — Your sales team signs up a new customer and adds their existing email conversation to a box. An implementation specialist reviews the email history and jumps in to introduce themselves without being added to the thread.
  2. Delegate incoming emails — Your company receives job applications at and creates a new box for each application. The appropriate hiring manager for each team replies to the applicant without starting a new email thread.
  3. Collaboration — Once the hiring manager decides to interview a candidate, they move the candidate’s box to an “interview” stage and the recruiting coordinator reaches out to schedule the interview.
  4. Out of office coverage — You’re on the road (or taking a hard-earned vacation!), and your teammates reply to urgent messages to make sure nothing slips through the cracks while you’re away.

How to Reply All to shared email threads

Once your teammates share their email conversations in Streak, open the email in the box timeline and hit the “Reply All” button.

You’ll notice that you only have the option to reply all, which ensures that the original email owner — the person who has the email in their inbox — doesn’t miss any messages in the thread.

We’re excited about improving the way teams collaborate with each other and communicate with the people in their pipelines — let us know how you use this feature in a comment below, or share your feedback with us at

As always, stay tuned for more updates from the Streak team.

