Streak In-App Help

Aleem Mawani
Published in
2 min readSep 8, 2014

We here at Streak add features daily to improve the experience for all of our users. However, it can sometimes be difficult to know how to perform a specific task or whether Streak supports a particular feature.

Traditionally, users have had to email our support team for help or to ask if we support a particular use case. We’ve recently launched an in-app help system to give you answers much faster and provide far more clarity in how to perform various tasks.

You can access help from the Streak menu at the top of Gmail.

The in app help system starts with a search experience. Simply search or browse for the task you’re looking to accomplish. The help system also has various overview tutorials to help you get up and running with streak for the first time.

Most tasks in the help system will walk you through the task, step by step, right inside the app. Here’s an example of what an in-app help would like for adding a new column to a pipeline:

We hope this will provide our users with a much better help experience. Giving you all answers you need faster and showing you all the features Streak has to offer.

