Streak’s 2019 in review

Brita Ulf
Published in
1 min readDec 20, 2019

It’s been a big year for Streak. In case you missed anything, here’s a recap of our greatest hits and a heartfelt message from our team.

Feature launches and product updates

We focused on improving the Streak experience and putting information at the fingertips of new customers and Streak experts alike.

We also laid the groundwork for some big launches that we can’t wait to announce in 2020. Learn more in our blog and join a webinar to see new features in action.

2019 by the numbers

  • Emails added to Streak: 33,479,973
  • Contacts created: 9,038,687
  • Automatically enriched contacts: 3,816,327
  • Largest pipeline: 943,818 boxes
  • # of pipeline edits by an individual customer : 27,151,816
  • People hired in our new Vancouver, BC office: 6
  • Seconds into 2019 before someone created a ‘Job Applications’ pipeline: 27 seconds (we’re hiring!)

We’re looking forward to sharing some big updates and improvements in 2020. Thank you for supporting Streak!

