Using Saved Views to Organize Yourself

Aleem Mawani
Published in
4 min readJul 8, 2013

Need an easy way to know exactly what needs to be worked on every morning? Want an easy way to know when it is time to follow up with a candidate or a sales customer?

A saved view will let you filter, sort and group your pipelines. These views are saved and shared amongst your team. For example, you might want to create a view for all stale leads that are still in the prospecting stage grouped by who those leads are assigned to. You can even have the resulting boxes show up at the top of your inbox so you don’t always have to check your pipelines. First, I’ll show you how to create a saved view. Then, we’ll go through scenarios where it may be useful to create saved views.

To create a saved view, go to your pipeline and click on “Filter, Sort, Group”.

You can now filter your pipeline down to just the boxes you care about. The first drop down dictates which column you should filter on and then next few drop downs determine how the column will be filtered. You can add additional filter criteria if you’d like by clicking the “+” button. Choose whether your results must satisfy both criteria, one of the criteria, or none.

You can also sort the resulting boxes by any of the columns. To do this, click on “Advanced View Options (Sorting and Grouping)”

Once you apply the settings, you’ll see the results of your view which you can then save. Anyone else shared on the pipeline will be able to see the views as well. These views can be accessed in the left side bar of gmail underneath each of your pipelines.

You can also have views show up in your inbox. This eliminates a step for pipeline views you’d like to constantly see, by putting it right in your inbox! Once you have saved the view, you’ll see a tick box on the top right to “Show In Inbox”. Click on it, and now you’ll see the view in your inbox.

Using saved views as a reminder — Example on following up on customers

A typical use of saved views is to remind you to take an action. For example, some users who use the sales/CRM pipeline always want to make sure that customers are moving through the pipeline quickly. Let’s say that you are interested in customers who haven’t moved stages in 30 days and that your sales pipeline has the columns below.

You can create a view which filters for the date of last stage change to be greater than 30 days ago. You could also sort by this column so that the most stale leads appear first.

Now, you can save this in your inbox. Anytime a customer hasn’t changed stages in over 30 days, it’ll pop-up in your inbox. Because these views are dynamic, as you change the data in the box all your views get updated automatically — even the ones in your inbox.

Using saved views for bug tracking — Detailed Example

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