Here is Chris (Wife’s Edition)

Mindy Worley
Stream Monkey
Published in
3 min readDec 13, 2018

Chris is the founder of our company, a super great friend, and an all-around interesting guy. I’m excited for you to get to know him. One thing he hates to do is fill out questionnaires about himself. Instead of putting him through that particular torture, I decided to go directly to the best source: his lovely wife, Anna. As you’ll see, she’s super objective.

• What is something that he likes to do in his free time? Lately, he loves spending his time capturing cool videos and photos with his drone.

• Where did he grow up? Warrenton, VA and Norman, OK

• Favorite food to eat that is really bad for him? He usually eats pretty healthy, but he just can’t give up beef flavored ramen.

• What is the nerdiest thing he does in his spare time? Where do I start? Probably his obsessive habit of watching/listening to air traffic control during a storm.

• What’s the strangest talent he has? Playing the ocarina app. The Top Gun theme is his go-to.

• Does he have any strange phobias? The litter box. Not sure why.

• What, or who, is he a “closet” fan of? He’s pretty open about everything, so that’s a tough one. I’ve never understood his appreciation for the “marketing genius” of Miley Cyrus. Ew.

• Besides anything streaming related, what subject could he give a 40 minute presentation on with absolutely no preparation? So many things. Anything video related, flying, boats, wake boarding, wake surfing, driving a boat…take your pick.

• What job would he be terrible at? Waiting tables.

• What is something that is considered a luxury, but you don’t think he could live without? Me. 😁 (For what it’s worth, I’m pretty sure he’d agree with this one 100%)

• What gets him fired up (either mad or excited)? People who can’t drive (mad) and learning something new (excited). He loves to tell everyone about a new discovery.

• How does he usually spend his free time? Watching sailing videos, flying his drone, playing a racing game on his phone, or working on a new Stream Monkey project.

• What is his most impressive skill? He’s good at basically everything. But I appreciate that he is really patient and even-tempered. I’ve never seen him fly off the handle. Maybe it’s not a skill, but it certainly benefits everyone around him.



Mindy Worley
Stream Monkey

Mindy is the queen of customer experience at Stream Monkey, and has 10+ years experience working in church media.