Say Hello to Nick, the Intern

Ember Langley
Stream Monkey
Published in
3 min readJun 21, 2019

Our fearless intern, Nick, is a rising junior at the University of Florida. At UF, he is majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Sales Engineering. Besides being the Monkey Relations Intern, he is also perfecting his skills as a developer with us as the Backend Engineering Intern! He gets to the office early every single day and also drinks so much water… that we had to start ordering more water for our water cooler.

And now… Meet Nick, the Intern.

For Nick’s summer playlist, click here.

  • Are you usually early or late? Early. Generally, I prefer to wake up early and knock out my responsibilities so I can enjoy the rest of the day.
  • What’s the luckiest thing that has ever happened to you? Being born a twin. While my sister Isabel and I are unique, there are a ton of things we have in common. We have a similar enthusiasm for food, taste in music, and sense of humor. But the most significant thing we share is our birthday 🎂. Love you Bel.
  • If you didn’t have to sleep, what would you do with the extra time? Play video games. I was a huge gamer all my life up until the middle of high school. As I got busier, I progressively stopped gaming. I have so many great memories of staying up all night playing Minecraft and RuneScape with friends.
  • How do you relax after a hard day of work? Workout and be outside. After a long day, a good workout allows me to release stress and calm down. Also, I love being outside. Whether I am playing tennis, going for a run, or watching the sunset while swinging in a hammock, being outside recharges my batteries.
  • Who’s your go to band or artist when you can’t decide on something to listen to? This is really hard. It is between Kid Cudi and Kayne. I am going to have to go with Kayne though because he has so much more variety. Each album has its own character and corresponding mood. Whether I am feeling sad, happy, or hyper, I can rely on Kanye and his incredible productions to match that energy.
  • What fictional place would you most like to go? Gielinor. It is the world that the game RuneScape is played. RuneScape was the first game I really threw myself into. I would go straight to the Grand Exchange in Valador and start flipping items.
  • What would be a perfect day for you? My perfect day would start with watching the sunrise at the beach. This would roll into morning tennis and a workout. When I was ready to relax, I would read and tan. In the afternoon, I would have a nice barbecue with friends and family. To end the day, I would go for a hike and watch the sunset from the comfort of my hammock.



Ember Langley
Stream Monkey

Social Media Manager at Route Marketing. She’s got a passion for using technology and social media as a way to encourage authenticity.